Chapter 23 - Greta

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Chapter 23

POV: Greta (District 9)

Time: Day 4

Tributes Remaining: 22


I sit under the mouth of the Cornucopia, shivering a bit. Maisy is practicing swinging an ax outside while Kala, Rose, and I look around the Cornucopia for supplies. We were so exhausted after running from the vines that we slept through the whole day.

Kala sighs as she slams the lid of a large bin closed. "No food," she says. "Either everyone took it all or the Gamemakers removed it somehow."

"Of course they did..." I say gloomily. We managed to grab most of our supplies when we fled the vines, but some were left behind, and it's hard to feed four people.

Kala retreats to the back of the Cornucopia. She's been pretty quiet since Jordan was swallowed by the vines. He was picking berries away from the group, meaning he was closer to the vines and able to warn us before he was killed.

I open a small box to reveal some metal throwing stars. Luckily, there are some weapons in the Cornucopia even if there isn't any food.

I step out of the Cornucopia, leaving Rose to look through the other supplies. I give Maisy a small smile as she spots me. Looking around, I spot something in the snowy trees. Squinting, I see that it's Kala and Jordan's District partner from District 7, Rowan.

I glance at my throwing stars, deciding to give them a shot. I pick one out, flicking it. It's pretty easy to throw, and it goes a considerable distance before splashing into the Ultimate Solvent, where it dissolves. Rowan, however, still gets the message, retreating into the woods.

The four of us climb to the top of the Cornucopia as the sun begins to set. From the Cornucopia, we're able to see over the whole Arena. I know all the others are around in the trees somewhere. One quarter is still filled with a solid mass of vines.

It's very peaceful as we quietly sit, our legs dangling over the lip of the metal Cornucopia. A few birds chirp from the woods nearby. The Cornucopia has been a good safe haven for my alliance - we're safe from anyone approaching on narrow paths, and we can see over the whole Arena for threats. The only obstacle is the bitter cold, although it's bearable since it doesn't snow in the Cornucopia clearing like it does over the nearby trees.

As the sky darkens, the Panem anthem begins to play. My heart drops as it is revealed that today's killed tribute is Acacia, my District partner. I quickly recover, though - we were never close, and better her than me. Maisy lets out a small gasp as well but hides her emotions.

After the conclusion of the anthem, we climb back to the ground. Kala and Rose head into the Cornucopia, hoping to warm up under the shelter, where they're protected from the wind. Maisy and I stay outside, wandering around.

My boots crunch against the rocky ground beneath me. I sit down at the edge of the island, staring at the Ultimate Solvent as it slowly bubbles. I think that's what it's called - Jordan said Lacie, the smart girl from 4, told him so. Other than the quiet sound of the liquid bubbling, the area is completely silent.

I reach into my pocket, picking out a small flower that I picked on the second day. I examine it for a moment before picking a petal off and throwing it into the Ultimate Solvent. It's very satisfying to watch it dissolve into nothing. Holes appear in the petal before it dissolves completely. I throw the rest of the flower in, and it fizzles. I hear a louder fizzing sound, and I tilt my head to see Maisy, who's sitting nearby. She dips the blade of a sword into the Ultimate Solvent before lifting it out quickly. The blade is mostly gone, and the rest that is left is jagged and uneven.

Maisy turns to me, seeing me watching her. "I wonder how it dissolves everything, but the ground and paths seem immune," she says, deep in thought. I think she said during Training that she wanted to be a scientist when she grew up.

"The Gamemakers have their tricks," I respond quietly.

Maisy just nods, her face looking drowsy.

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