Chapter 8 - Tanner

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Chapter 8

POV: Tanner (District 10)


I'm standing at the edge of the Training room, watching as Amethyst and Victoria expertly spar with fake swords. Neither of them seems to make a single mistake as they parry each others' attacks.

I try not to let the girls intimidate me. I'm just as skilled as them. Even though I'm not from a Career District, I've still been training for this moment for years. To underestimate me is to hand me your life on a silver platter.

Suddenly, a loud sound fills the Training Center.


Startled, I look around. Amethyst drops her sword, and I hear a tribute nearby yelp in surprise.

I spot the culprit - it's a boy from District 3 who's somehow caused an explosion, leaving scorch marks on a nearby target.

"What happened?" I ask Orion.

"Not sure," he says. "I saw him rubbing some green stuff from a plant onto an arrow, and when he shot it, there was an explosion."

Glancing at each other, Victoria and Felix turn and walk towards the boy. I clench my fists, silently praying that someone else reaches the boy first. There is barely enough room for me in this alliance. But I know one thing - if I have to fight for my spot in the Career alliance, I'll fight to the death.

Victoria and Felix almost reach the boy, but the boy from District 4 reaches him first. I think his name is Soren. He's a fan-favorite already because his brother won the Games last year. I disliked him before for stealing my spotlight, but now, all I can be is grateful that my spot in the alliance is no longer in jeopardy.

Defeated, Felix and Victoria return to the group. "We didn't need him anyway," Victoria grumbles. I see the boy join Soren and his allies, showing them how to shoot a bow.


I'm up next for sparring, and I'm put against Felix. He's just as good as the girls, and I find myself unable to get a single hit to touch him. After a long match, I accidentally leave my neck exposed for less than a second, giving him just enough time to touch it with his sword, ending the match. We laugh a bit as I set my sword down. Inside, I'm glowering. I shouldn't have lost that match; one mistake like that in the Arena could be my last mistake.

"I'm getting water," I tell the others. They nod in acknowledgment as Orion and Murray prepare to spar. I pass under the Gamemakers' area as I head to the bathroom area, and I catch Vispania's gaze as she coolly watches me cross the Training Room floor. Most of the Gamemakers aren't watching, as they don't pay much attention until the Individual Assessments. For now, only Vispania and a few others watch over Training.

I lean down to the water fountain, gulping up water.

There's a small creaking sound as one of the bathroom doors open. I'm not sure which one, and I'm too busy drinking to look and see who it is.

Suddenly, I'm grabbed by the back of the neck, causing me to choke on my water. I try to wrestle free - is Felix playing a prank on me?

I'm viciously thrown across the floor, making me tumble out of the bathroom area and into the Training Center. I land next to two girls who are weaving baskets. I think one of them is from 7. They look at me curiously. Looking back to where I came from, I spot Ada glaring at me. Of course it was her.

Ada launches herself at me, punching me brutally in the face. I let out a groan before I grab onto her and try to take control.

"Hey! HEY!" I hear one of the girls shout nearby. After a few seconds, Ada is lifted off of me by Capitol guards. She's dragged kicking and screaming across the room.

I'm frozen in shock. I know how the Gamemakers hate fighting in Training - it's one of the two main rules. I can't help but glance at Vispania. She's looking at me disapprovingly, but they didn't drag me out of the Training Center like Ada, so they must know it wasn't my fault.

I glance back at my allies. They're glaring at Ada hatefully as she exits. I'm relieved; at least I still have a place in the Careers. As long as that's secure, I'm safe.


Well, there's a little taste of Tanner! He's a character we haven't seen much of yet, but he's one of the most interesting in my opinion, since he's a poor tribute who's still a Career. It certainly causes some conflicts later.

Thoughts on Ada? There seems to be tension between her and Tanner. I wonder how it'll be resolved...

See you in the next one!


𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now