Chapter 34 - Rose

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Chapter 34

POV: Rose (District 8)

Time: Night 8

Tributes Remaining: 16


I sit with Greta, Kala, and Maisy as we pick through our newly acquired supplies. To our discouragement, his pack had almost no food in it, meaning we're practically starving. Now, we're attempting to split Murray's supplies among us.

"The jacket is next," Maisy says. "Kala lost hers in the fire."

"No, I lost mine too," Greta interjects as Maisy pulls the coat out of Murray's bag. "Why are you just giving it to her?"

"Kala is Murray's size in a jacket," Maisy explains patiently. "It fits her, it would be too big for you."

"Being too big isn't an issue, Maisy. I could still wear it," Greta argues.

I cut the girls off, frustrated. Greta's been arguing with everyone all afternoon. "Okay, we'll decide who get the coat later, then. What's next?" I ask Maisy, who gives me a thankful look.

"The knife," she announces, pulling it out.

"I'll take the knife," I offer.

Greta groans, frustrated. "Rose, you're the last person who should have it."

I'm already prepared for her to argue with me. "I got the highest Training score out of all of us," I tell her, "so I'm the most skilled."

"Because you're smart, Rose! Not because you can use a knife!"

Kala suddenly stands, her face red. "Greta, I am done with you! Why should we give you the only knife when you brutally murdered the kid from Two yesterday? You're going crazy. First the berries, then the rope, then the coat and the knife. You don't deserve any of it and yet you want it all. We are in an alliance and we need to share."

Greta begins to breathe heavily, glaring at Kala as if barely holding in her rage. Maisy looks off into the distance, trying to avoid the drama.

"Cut it out, you two," I tell them, trying to de-escalate the situation. "I give up, we'll just keep everything in the bag."

Greta just rolls her eyes, annoyed. Luckily, I'm saved from further discussion by the Panem anthem.

For the first time since we've entered the Arena, there are no tributes killed throughout the entire day. The words "The Fallen" fade to "NO FALLEN TRIBUTES". I'm disappointed that there is still the same number of competitors today as yesterday, and I feel awful. I should be happy that no other kids died today, but I'm not. That's the effect the Arena has on you, I guess.

Tonight, the other three girls take lookout shifts, so I'm allowed to sleep through the night for the first time in a while. Maisy is taking the first watch, followed by Greta and Kala.

It doesn't take long for me to drift to sleep. I'm exhausted.


My dreams are vivid and dark. I'm in the Arena, and I keep finding myself being chased - by Ada, by the Careers, even by my own District partners, Karrie and Saylee, who are both dead now. As my dream progresses, I'm unable to run any more. I struggle to run faster, but I can't - I slow more and more until I'm almost frozen in place.

I hear a loud scream next to me. It's Kala. She's on the ground, crawling away from Murray, the Career we killed. He stands over her, his eyes cold.

"Greta, no!" Kala screams desperately. Confused, I glance back up to Murray, but he's gone. In his place stands Greta. She looks at me with an evil grin before stabbing down at Kala.


I'm shaken awake by a hand. I look up at the trees above me, but I'm very discombobulated, as the screams from my dream continue even though I'm awake. Am I still dreaming? I look to see Maisy next to me. She's the one who shook me awake. Behind her, Greta is violently stabbing Kala. Kala's screams are gone now, her face blank. At the sight of the scene, I scream loudly, scrambling back. I freeze in shock, unable to move, but Maisy grabs my arm and drags me to my feet.

"Let's get out of here!" she shouts over Greta's deranged screams.

I grab the pack of Murray's supplies and sprint away behind Maisy, practically hyperventilating from what I've just witnessed. I can't get the image of Kala's blood spilling everywhere out of my mind. I think I'm going to throw up.

A cannon shot fires in the distance.

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now