Chapter 46 - Roman

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Chapter 46

POV: Roman (District 4)

Time: Day 15

Tributes Remaining: 7


I hope I don't look as exhausted as I feel. I briskly walk through the entrance to the city square, where the Games are being held.

I haven't left my house since the Games began two weeks ago. I can't face anybody right now. I haven't even seen my parents. I've only really seen Marina and Jasmine. I can't help but feel like all this - everything that Soren's been through - has been my fault. Seeing him tied up like that against a tree, waiting for his death, was one of the scariest moments of my life. I can't lose him.

The end of the Games, however, is mandatory viewing in the town square. Last year, Soren told me that he stood at the front of the crowd with Marina and Jasmine, cheering me on. I can't bring myself to do the same this year. I wonder where Marina is in the crowd. I'm sure my parents are here somewhere.

The crowd murmurs and I look up to the screen, where the camera is shaking. Soren and Lacie begin to run.

Greta from District 9 is shown on-screen. She's standing on the Cornucopia island. I think she's been there for at least two days. It's a wonder that she hasn't died already from starvation or dehydration. Around her, the Arena is changing rapidly. All four muttations are back - the Hydra Vines, Glutton Flames, Midas' Touch Gas, and the Ultimate Solvent Wave are all back, taking over a quarter of the Arena each.

Orion is the first tribute to arrive. The Glutton Flames chase him closely as he sprints down one of four narrow paths to the island where Greta is waiting. On the opposite side, Rose from District 8 runs out of the tidal wave section, although the wave hasn't crashed down quite yet.

Greta looks at the two tributes, deciding to face Rose as she approaches even though she has no weapons. I'm hoping these three tributes can take care of each other before Soren arrives.

Greta ducks under Rose's sickle as she swings. Rose reacts, grabbing Greta and trying to push her into the Ultimate Solvent. Arriving at the same time, Orion scoops Greta up from behind. He must still be angry from when she killed Murray, his ally. Both Rose and Orion look at each other for a moment before working together, lifting Greta off the ground. Greta screams as Rose and Orion hurl her into the Ultimate Solvent and her screams turn to moans of pain.

As this occurs, Soren and Lacie finally arrive. I sigh in relief as I see them with the Hydra Vines close in pursuit. At the same time, Victoria emerges from the Midas' Touch Gas section as the gas turns the surrounding trees to gold. In the final section, the tidal wave crashes down as Robin narrowly avoids it, sprinting down a third path.

The last four tributes join Orion and Rose. All of the tributes are now on the Cornucopia island. They all pause when an eerie sound begins around them.

The tributes look around as floating weapons suddenly pour out of the Cornucopia. The audience around me gasps. The floating weapons seem to have a mind of their own, whipping around the tributes. Each weapon is glowing a neon color and has a tag attached with a number. Soren watches as a bow passes him with a tag reading '11' on it. I can tell he's understanding - each weapon is based on a tribute.

"Grab some weapons," Lacie tells him. "Now's our chance!"

Lacie was always the smartest one. I forgot Soren is defenseless. He quickly grabs a sword labeled '1' while Lacie turns, jumping and grabbing a nearby sickle labeled '7' to represent Rowan. Soren examines the hilt of the sword, where the name 'Amethyst' is engraved. He makes a disgusted face before turning back to the other tributes. Soren turns to see Victoria charging at him, sword at the ready. Around the Cornucopia island, many assorted weapons circle the area threateningly. Soren meets Victoria and they begin to exchange blows.

I hold my breath as Soren and Victoria fight. Of all the tributes, she's probably the most dangerous. I don't think Soren can outlast her - he'll need help.

Lacie is occupied, however. She uses her sickle to fend off weapons, which are now beginning to get closer to her and Soren. In the background, Rose and Robin can be seen fighting as well. Rose is actually not bad at defending herself from Robin's attacks, but she's no match for his knowledge of weaponry. It's not long before Robin brutally shoves his sword into her stomach, forcing her to the ground.

Victoria strikes Soren's blade with a particularly hard blow, and the momentum knocks him off-balance. His arms flail as Victoria kicks him to the ground. The volume of the crowd around me explodes, as people brace for Soren to die. I can't take my eyes away from the screen as Soren falls to the ground as if in slow motion.

Lacie looks perplexed as the possessed weapons suddenly back away, flying high into the sky. Lacie's scythe is also wrenched from her hands, as is Soren's sword.

Lacie looks up at the sky as light begins to fill the Arena as if a spotlight is held over the tributes. I'm confused about what is going on. Victoria lifts her sword, ready to strike.

For once, Ross' narration over the broadcast is useful. "It looks like a solar eclipse is occurring," he explains. "This occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun. Looking directly at the eclipse can cause a tribute to go blind."

Soren glances over at Lacie, who kneels and covers her eyes. Soren does the same, covering his eyes, as does Robin, who is watching Lacie.

Victoria, who I think is going insane, is distracted by the light. Her blade still poised to attack, she looks up at the light, confused.

The tributes are bathed in light until the screen is completely white.

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