Chapter 29 - Orion

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Chapter 29

POV: Orion (District 2)

Time: Day 7

Tributes Remaining: 18


Murray and I walk lazily through the forest. We've reached the edge of the pine-tree forest, where the temperature is the warmest without being in the tropical sector.

Since the Bloodbath, we've laid low, or at least compared to Ada, who's probably killed multiple tributes by now. Murray and I have avoided the others for the most part and we've been having fun on our own, which isn't too far off from how we acted at the Academy back in District 2. I mean, if we're going to die, may as well have some fun, right?

I'll be honest, I never thought I would get so close to Murray. Sure, we goofed off at the Academy, but didn't everyone? We were acquaintances back then. Now he's all I have connecting me to humanity. We have more in common than I thought. Sometimes I wish we could have lived outside of the Arena and grown close under different circumstances. I don't think either of us expected to be actually Reaped - I think Murray was training to be a Peacekeeper and I was just there because my parents needed something to waste their money on, I suppose. The Quarter Quell twist narrowed down the pool to the point that they had to reach to the bottom of the barrel and pluck me and my new best friend out from the dredges.

"Remember Ms. Trunell?" Murray says with a laugh, talking about one of our instructors from the Academy. Right now, we're having fun gossiping about everyone and anyone we know in District 2 in the hope that it'll be televised.

"All I remember from her class was her putting you in detention basically every class," I respond with a chuckle.

"And she was all over you!" he says.

"She was more interested in Xavier," I say, referring to one of our classmates. "We both know they slept together."

I don't even know if that's true, but it sounds damn funny when I know I'm being recorded for the nation to watch.

We laugh about our memories from school. It all seems like so long ago now.

"I wonder if she's watching now," I muse. "Well, of course she is; viewing is mandatory."

Murray just nods. His hair has grown longer since we've gotten into the Arena. I wonder how I look. I haven't able to see my own reflection since I got here.

I hear a rustling noise from behind me, and my heart practically jumps out of my chest as I see a group of four girls behind us. The girls aren't even looking at us, staring directly at our bags of supplies. They look starving, rabid almost.

One of the girls in particular looks like she's going insane. I remember her - Greta from District 9. My mentor, Fangs, made me learn all the names of my competitors, and I wish I hadn't. I feel bad for the girl.

She lunges at us, grabbing Murray by the legs. Before I have time to react, I'm tackled by another girl. It's Rose from District 8.

"Don't move," she whispers, and something about her tone makes me freeze. I can hear grunting in the background as the other girls struggle to contain Murray.

"You need to go," Rose tells me, glancing back before releasing the pressure on me. "Greta's getting out of control. Just please leave your bag and I'll let you leave. We just need your supplies."

I shake my head. "You can have my bag, but I'm keeping my sword. I need it."

A demented scream rips out from behind Rose, making her start. She nods quickly. "That's fine," she says.

I stare at her for a moment, and she catches my gaze. Something passes between us as we silently watch each other. I don't know what it is, but I trust her. I think we're on the same side.

Greta suddenly stops stabbing at Murray, glancing up at me. Her hands are covered in blood. A cannon shot fires, and I know there's nothing more I can do here. I don't want to be outnumbered four to one like Murray, so I sprint away. Greta begins to chase me, but Rose stops her in time.

Greta lets out a deranged scream. Something inside of her must've snapped.

For a moment, I worry about Rose. She'll probably be killed next at the hands of her unraveling ally. But I don't have time for sympathy. Murray, the only connection to home I had left, is gone. All there is left for me to do is climb a tree and hide somewhere away from prying eyes.

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now