Chapter 24 - Jomilee

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Chapter 24

POV: Jomilee (District 6)

Time: Night 4

Tributes Remaining: 22


Della and I sit through most of the night together, trying to occupy ourselves from the events of Casey's death. Della sings to me quietly a few songs that were popular in District 3. A few of them are tunes that I recognize, but with different lyrics than I remember from District 6.

Her voice is actually very beautiful. I ask her to sing for a while until she gets tired. After a while, she goes to sleep while I keep watch for other tributes.

As I'm left with my own thoughts, I immediately think of Casey. She was always so kind to me. To all of us. Even though her home was destroyed in the District 9 fire, she still dreamed of becoming successful and buying her parents a new one. It breaks my heart to think that that will never happen. I know Della and I have to live to the end and win the Games for her.

I let a few tears slip down my face. I can't believe she's really gone. The reality of Marnie's death is also just sinking in. We weren't the closest, but she's the closest thing I had to home. Now, she's gone as well.

I keep watch for the rest of the night. When the sun rises, Della and I eat a quiet breakfast before abandoning our camp.

We set out early in the morning. Della quickly shoulders her backpack, following and catching up to me.

"Where are we going today?" she asks me.

"As far out as we can get," I tell her. "The Feast won't be for a while; since we don't need to be at the Cornucopia, let's see how far out the Arena goes."

So far, the farther we've gone, the warmer it's gotten. I'm unable to climb the trees to see all the way out, but I wonder how hot it really gets. Also, the farther away from the center of the Arena we get, the less likely we'll encounter the other tributes.

"Sounds like a plan," Della says enthusiastically. I'm not sure if she's actually excited or if she's just masking her grief after Casey's death.

We walk in relative silence. As we walk, the temperature noticeably rises. We're forced to take off our coats as we start sweating in them, the trees turning to tropical varieties. I can hear more insects buzzing around me, and I think I spot a snake dangling from a tree, although it could have been a vine.

"Watch out for dangerous animals," I tell Della. I read in a guide in Training that tropical rainforests have lots of dangerous creatures within them.

We keep walking until Della makes an odd noise, accompanied by a small crunch. The memory of Casey's death still in my mind, I whip around to see what's wrong as she lets out a scream.

"Jomilee!" She cries, clutching her stomach. A spearhead is jutting out of her stomach, having passed through her whole body.

Reacting quickly, I look around, grabbing my sharp ax. I spot the attacker - it's Rowan, Leon's ally from District 7. He launches another spear, this one aimed at me, and I drop to the ground as it sails over me.

As Della collapses to her knees, I launch back to my feet, throwing my ax at a high speed towards Rowan. Rowan similarly ducks under the blade as I sprint after him. As I approach him, I pull my sickle from my belt loop, my heart pumping. Is this it? After everything I've been through, is this really the end?

I can't let this be the end. I have to avenge my allies. I have to survive.

Rowan's going to pay. Either he goes down, or I will. And I won't give up without a fight.


Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger... Who do you think will win the fight - Jomilee or Rowan?

How do you feel about Jomilee's allies? They've all died one after the next. RIP Marnie, Casey, and Della :(


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