Chapter 40 - Victoria

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^Alf from District 12 (our last tribute picture!)


Chapter 40

POV: Victoria (District 1)

Time: Night 10

Tributes Remaining: 11


My face throbs intensely despite all the expensive healing items I've been sent by my sponsors. None of them seem to be working, much to my building frustration. I've already been sent into multiple fits of rage today alone. Wouldn't you, if your face had been slashed open with no way to fix it?

This shouldn't have happened. How could I have been so stupid?

I feel like my face has been cut in half. Theoretically, it has. I should never have trusted that bastard, Tanner. He was trouble from the start - Ada was right.

I sit in the snowy section of the Arena. It was the first place I went to, thinking I could pack the snow onto my wounds. However, it seems like Maroon, my mentor from District 1, thought it was worth sending me something for once. How nice of him.

The slash on my face extends through one of my eyes, meaning I can only see through my left. It's taken some getting used to. I'm itching to kill someone. I've been left with almost nothing - all Tanner left me with was my clothes and a knife in my pocket that he probably missed. No food, no other weapons, no supplies, nothing.

I'm grateful for one thing, though. Tanner has the arrogance of a Career. He pulled a page from the Career playbook when he left me to die. Too bad it backfired when I didn't. He's going to pay.

The Panem anthem begins to play. Three tributes died today - I bet everyone went to the Feast and got stocked up on everything. Everyone except me.

First up is Ada, and I have to blink to make sure my eye isn't playing tricks on me. I can't comprehend how she could have been killed, but I don't care. The sight of her brings a smile to my face for the first time today. I have reason to celebrate - my biggest competitor has been removed for me. Now, the only person standing between me and the crown is Tanner.

After Ada is a girl from District 6 who I barely recognize. I'm surprised she's still alive, to be honest.

Lastly is a girl from District 10. She's Tanner's District partner. I grin for a moment, but it makes my face throb painfully. I think she and Tanner knew each other before they were Reaped. It makes me happy knowing he's probably crying somewhere like a big baby. He deserves it.

After hearing all the good news, I decide to wander through the Arena. Maybe if I get lucky, I'll be able to actually take my frustrations out on someone. A warm-up for Tanner, you could say. Most of the other tributes are so weak, I could kill them without even trying.

The Arena is silent as I walk. I don't know if I'll find anyone - there are only a few tributes left, and the Arena is massive.

After a few hours, I'm about to give up for the night when I spot movement in the distance. I pick up the pace towards the movement, and when I get close enough, I quietly cheer. It's the girl from District 5. Probably the easiest tribute to kill in the Arena right now.

I'm even more excited by what I see on her back - a backpack. Hopefully, she grabbed some useful weapons from the Feast.

I slowly approach the girl from behind. She's wandering aimlessly through the forest, not even bothering to look behind her. Stupid girl.

Suddenly, the girl turns around. I think she can hear my ragged breathing. It's hard to breathe with half of my face under bandages.

I let her turn and spot me, relishing in the shock and terror on her face, before I whip out my knife and lunge at her. She puts up her hands in defense, but there's nothing she can do to save herself now.

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now