Chapter 39

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I was to meet with Ren today. I didn't want anyone to know that we were related in any way. Cousins or not, I was willing to lay down my life for anyone taking care of the child I thought I didn't have. It was wrong of Cynthia to think I didn't have any feelings. Yes, I may have acted very secretive at times and kept the fact that Josiah was my uncle from her, but at least I wasn't lying about ever loving her. Getting your heart broken not once, but twice, is a pain no one wants to imagine.

It wasn't long before I noticed the mansion guards. They seemed to be looking for someone and the longer I stayed in this spot, the faster they'd realized I'd tricked them. I knew they put trackers in my clothing. That's why I never dared to go anywhere except for on extended walks in the garden and random walks around the mansion.

I flagged down a taxi and gave him the address to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It had been a minute since I'd visited. If anyone saw me there, I could use that excuse. No one knew about Ren and I being cousins, so it was safe to say the guards wouldn't be looking for her.

The driver got there in record time when I promised him five hundred Euros. All in a day's work. Ren said she was on her way with Byung-chul. It would be my first time meeting him. I've seen him before, but I was never able to talk to him like other cousins get to. When your parents are so involved in worldly crime, it's hard to live a normal life. I'm happy Ren and Byung-chul got to live like that.

"Grazie Signore." I closed the taxi door and pulled my cap down over my forehead. Rain seemed possible today. I needed to get inside and buy an umbrella.

"How has she been treating you?" Ren asked.

"...Not bad," I replied timidly. I couldn't tell the truth.

"Youngmin, you don't have to lie to me. If she's hurt you in any way, I'm going to make her hurt worse."

"I'm fine, dear cousin. Nothing's going on."

"You sure about that? I saw a picture of Zachary this morning...I don't like him already. He seems too full of himself and the last thing I want him to do is take your wife away."

"I really don't care," I assured her. "I have other...people."

Byung-chul suddenly stopped walking. Ren and I looked back at him. What is he doing?

"Youngmin, I can tell when you're lying and we met like an hour ago." He crossed his arms. "I heard about her and Zach being betrothed. It's not hard to believe. No one has liked our family since that stunt our uncles pulled, but she doesn't have to be so mean to you. It's not like you ruined her life."

"...I kind of let Josiah...assault her." I hung my head. "I apologized for it, but apparently you can't apologize about that. I can't...get through to her, so a divorce is coming my way soon."

Ren hooked her arm through mine and smiled up at me. She had always been beautiful. I remember when she'd first started growing her dreads. That's how long it's been since we actually had a good conversation. Making up for lost time was all I needed to do right now. Everything else will fall into place on its own.

"By the way," Ren started. "I was looking through Instagram and I saw Christian's twin. It was extremely odd, considering I didn't know he was a twin."

"...Really?" I murmured.

"Yeah. What's also weird is that...the kid is yours, Youngmin. Did you know about that?"

I bowed my head and sighed. There was no getting out of this one. Either Byung-chul was going to press the matter or Ren was going to go to Cynthia and strangle her. I was good with Ren doing that. It would save me the trouble of having to go through a divorce.

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