Chapter 23

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I really expected to see a mean, old man with a cane when I walked into the room. I expected him to throw it at me and ask me why I didn't want to be a mafia queen. Why I allowed myself to be used the way I was in America. What I didn't expect was a frail, old man silently gazing out the window from his bed. He looked as if he could croak at any moment. His head turned slowly as I walked toward him.

"Devi essere Cynthia. Venire. Siediti accanto a tuo nonno," he said. You must be Cynthia. Come. Sit by your grandfather.

I sat down in the chair beside the bed and looked away from him. I couldn't look him in the eye.

"Look at me, Tia."

My head snapped his way. How'd he know of my nickname?

"How do you know my nickname?" I demanded.

"Child, I raised you. I named you." He took a deep breath as if talking wore him out. "I wanted what was best for you. That's why I sent you--sent you to America. That's why your grandfather had Elias and Mariano come after you."

"I think Joshua might have killed them," I said.

"Josiah, caro. Il suo vero nome è Josiah. Aveva ingannato molte donne nel pensare che fosse un brav'uomo. Che sa cosa è meglio per loro...e le loro bambine." Josiah, dear. His real name is Josiah. He had been tricking lots of women into thinking he is a good man. That he knows what's best for them...and their little girls.

" know?" I asked and pulled Lucio closer to my chest. "I don't like talking about it."

"Va tutto bene. Non avrei fatto leva...da te." It's alright. I wasn't going to out of you.

I couldn't believe everyone knew about my assault and didn't come rescue me. This made me really pissed off. I could have contacted anyone at any time and they would have come to get me? Why? Why were the people in the mafia life waiting for calls instead of making the calls?

"Hai il potere della Russia e della Cina dalla tua parte. Hai l'intero paese d'Italia nel palmo della tua mano. Nulla va se non lo dici tu. Perché vorresti uscire dalla vita mafiosa?" he asked and held out his hand for mine. I reluctantly took it and was surprised he had a firm grip. You have the power of Russia and China on your side. You have the entire country of Italy in the palm of your hand. Nothing goes unless you say so. Why would you want out of the mafia life?

"I just don't want it for my child." I sighed.

"È quello che ha detto anche tua madre. Aveva paura che ti prendessimo da lei e ti allevassimo da soli. Sono stato tentato di farlo." That is what your mother said also. She was afraid we'd take you from her and raise you on our own. I was tempted to do so.

"Why didn't you? I surely would have had a better life here than in America."

"Ah, tuo padre voleva ciò che era meglio per te. Ho provato a convincerlo altrimenti, ma ha detto che saresti stato più al sicuro dalla tua vera famiglia." Ah, your father wanted what was best for you. I tried to convince him otherwise, but he said that you'd be safer away from your true family.

"Il minimo che avrebbe potuto fare era aiutarmi a imparare la mia lingua madre." The least he could have done was help me learn my native language.

"Avrebbe potuto, ma sapevo che non avrebbe. Non è saggio che tu l'abbia preso per imparare, Tia?" He could have, but I knew he wouldn't have. Isn't it wise that you took it upon yourself to learn, Tia?

I smiled and squeezed his hand gently. The corner of his lips twitched up slightly, but never reached a full smile. So, I had a family who cared about me, but respected my bum of a father's wishes. He was the one who was at fault for everything happening to me. If he hadn't taken me to America, I wouldn't have met Joshua. If I hadn't met Joshua, I wouldn't have married Daniel. If I hadn't married Daniel, I wouldn't have Lucio. If I didn't have Lucio...I'd be lonely and probably here with multiple men following me.

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