Chapter 8

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"Daniel," I cooed and shook him gently. "It's time for you to wake up. You've been asleep for hours, babe."

Daniel groaned and slapped my hand away. If he wasn't so cute, I would have punched him in the nose. Maybe he would have gotten up then. Instead, I straddled him and planted kisses along his jawline. Now, that should wake him up. It did. His eyes flew open and I smirked at his shocked state. Yeah, there's more to me than a sexy face, Daniel.

"You wouldn't get up, Danny." I grinned and got off of him. "You didn't get much sleep last night, did you?"

"Yeah. I have a small case of insomnia," he croaked. Nice sleepy voice, Mr. Sexy.

"Anyway, Mom cooked for us. Get your sexy behind up and come eat."

"Why'd you let me sleep anyway, Lily?"

"Hmm...I like the way you snore. It's cute."

Daniel's expression was priceless. He didn't snore. I doubt he did with how perfect he is. I planted a quick kiss on his cheek and stood up.

"Dad's a little pissed about you falling asleep. I said some choice words to him, so...he might be a little angry," I warned. "Just ignore him. He'll get over it."

"If I know your dad like you do, I know he's more than just pissed," he said.

"But, you don't, so you don't know what you're talking about."

Daniel chuckled and sat up. I watched as he slowly put his feet down and put on his shoes. What was he doing? It's not like that was going to make me fall for him. I guess he was sexy, but I really needed him to hurry up. No telling what dad was going to say. I swear all the men in my life are short-tempered and crybabies.

Once we were in the dining room, Mom gave everyone their plates. I smiled at her and she winked. Hey, she was the one who told me how to wake Daniel up. There were things I could tell mom about and guys were one of them. She told me she used to do it to my dad when he was lazy and wouldn't get out of bed. It worked quite well then.

Once dinner was over, Daniel talked with dad and I decided to help mom with the dishes. She had been quiet all evening and that made me wonder what had happened. Usually, she was a talkative person. Maybe Dad had something to do with it. He was always making her depressed. No wonder she wants to leave him. Like she couldn't see his flaws before.

I walked up behind her and hugged her. "Mommy," I whined. "When will we see Daddy again?"

"Hon, I don't think that's really possible right now," she muttered. "Josh isn't letting me do anything right now. He has a lot of people watching me."

"Ugh, can't he trust you already? It's not like you've tried to leave before."

"Do you want your father in the hospital again? You know exactly what Joshua will do to him, if he finds out that we went to him."

I moved beside her to dry all the dishes. She handed me a plate. I just took it and looked at it for a moment. It wasn't right for me to just think about myself. I needed to realize that it wasn't just us we were endangering. My father, Daniel and his family, and anyone else who has helped us along the way. Like Mrs. and Mr. Choi.

"What did you say to Joshua earlier?" she asked.

"...When earlier?" I feigned innocence.

"You know what I mean. Before you went to wake Daniel up, you said something to him and he wasn't happy about it."

I sighed and dried the dish. Why did she have to know everything? Maybe it's just a motherly instinct. She did it all the time. Like when I was having problems with Andi and Denise before Tuesday, she threatened to talk some sense into them. I really wish I had let her. Maybe they wouldn't treat their ex-leader/bestie like trash anymore.

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