Chapter 14

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Mom looked at me fondly as I entered the building with the boys. She had entered before me to see dad. I stayed in the car and joked about everyone walking by. Until Mom texted me and said she was coming down and I should go in already. I didn't want to, but when you worked for your father, it was ideal to be early.

Many of the women looked at me enviously. I didn't feel bad that I had something they didn't. Two men who claimed to love me and showered me in endless gifts. The women eyed Daniel and Zach as we passed them and I thought I saw some of the guys looking, too. If not at me, then at the boys. They were handsome enough to turn any straight man gay. I've seen it first hand and it never ended well.

"Hi, I'm Jillian." I looked at the woman and held back a snarky comment. Stay away from my men, woman.

"You must be Mr. Williams's new PA. It's about time he had one." She smiled and held out her hand for me to shake. I couldn't. Both of my hands were occupied. "I work here on the first floor with the editing team."

I reluctantly let go of Zach's hand and shook the woman's. She smiled at me and turned her attention to the boys.

"I saw you yesterday," she said to Zach. Could she have been the one who took the picture? "It's nice to see young love."

"I'm Zachary--"


"No, Jefferson."

Hey, she got the joke? I think I might like her.

"And you are...handsome?" She turned to Daniel. Nope. She went too far.

"...I'm Daniel Black." Daniel shook her hand. When he tried to pull away, Jillian gripped his hand harder. I looked at her expectantly, warning her to let go of my husband before I hurt her. It wouldn't be my fault.

"I would like it if you would let go of my husband," I snapped. I don't like her anymore. She dropped his hand and frowned.

"Husband? I thought he was your husband."

Zach sighed and rolled his eyes. I know, babe, she is a nuisance. All she wants is attention. So what if I'm with two guys. If it sends me to Hell, then it sends me to Hell.

"Yeah...I gotta go. I'm sure Mr. Williams wouldn't like me to be late on my first day," I said. Daniel and Zach guided me away from her. Ooh, she had better hoped I didn't work on the first floor. I'd beat her to a pulp. Mom met us halfway with a smile on her face.

" do you feel on your first day?" she asked.

"Uh...normal?" I said. "I'm not nervous. Should I be nervous?"

"No, not at all. Just go up and do your best today. Don't worry about what anyone says."

Mom ushered Zach and Daniel away. They both threw me panty dropping smiles and allowed themselves to be taken away. As soon as they were out of sight, I got onto an elevator and made my way up to the tenth floor. More and more people piled on and the space got smaller and hotter. I put myself in a corner and waited for my floor. This was going to be a long ride.

"Hey, did anyone hear about Mr. Williams's new assistant?"

"Yeah. Do you know who she is? I didn't get a chance to see her."

"I heard she starts working today."

"I still haven't seen her."

"Jillian said she saw her on the first floor yesterday and she was kissing some guy."

"Isn't she married though?"

"Maybe he's her husband."

I looked at the floor number and was disappointed to see that we'd only made it to the third floor. Hurry up! I swear if they saw something I didn't like, I was going to beat 'em all up.

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