CHAPTER 3- Surprising

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School was finally over, and I was really worn out by all the classes we had. I went into the hostel. I'm not the type of girl that waits 'til everyone goes out of school anymore. Since first term I've learned my lesson. I could still remember when our teachers are always pushing us home or to the hostel.

I got inside and the first thing I did was to have my bath. By the time I came outside from taking my bath, tying my towel below my shoulders, it was only a few students that have already come inside the hostel but none of my classmates were here. What in the world are they jisting about outside.

Like, what's my business.

“Senior Moyin, please can you give me one of your milk? I would give you back next week Saturday. My mum and dad are coming to give me milk on Saturday, please.” Miracle from jss2 pleaded.

“What do you want to use milk for?”

“To take with my Garri.”

I gave her one of my milk.

“Thank you.” She said smiling.

“You welcome.” I smiled back at her cuteness.

My mind drifted off to Tomiwa. Who does he think he is? Why would he start insulting someone he just met for the first time. And he just said he was kidding. Does he think he can get away with those silly words from his mouth?

He has to learn his lesson.

He must learn it.



I went to the hostel, feeling so exhausted. As a new student, they took me around the school. Made new friends. Got my notebooks and textbooks.

I collapsed on my bed. I wrote my name on all my notes and kept them accordingly. Not only that, but I even got to collect my schedule for our classes from Monday to Friday.

Opening my bag I brought my schedule out and looked through what we are going to have on Tuesday which is tomorrow. I feel so hooked up. Everything is just jam-packed.

I stood up from my bed to have my evening bath.

When I was done, I brushed my hair and wore a cloth that I was comfortable with.

“Time for prep.” Mr. Eze our housemaster called out.

Everyone stepped out from the hostel. Not knowing where they were going to, I followed.

Once I stepped into the large hall I turned to my left to see everyone, but unfortunately I saw her. She was just seating calmly and softly on her chair.

It was amusing, and shocking to see her again. She got angry at me for my indifferent attitude towards her.

Once she saw me she faced down, hitting her head on the hard wooden table as she rubbed it.

I smirked.

I passed her as went to sit down on a chair comfortably.



He came into the prep hall looking for something that I don't know about. When his eyes landed on me, I quickly brushed my head on the table making me groan in pain. I rubbed my forehead to avoid it getting swollen. I turned back at him, but he was already going towards his classmates boys direction.

I scoffed.

I didn't believe my eyes, seeing him in the hostel. I wished I didn't see him ever again.

His attitude that he portrayed this morning is still in his body. He just barged the door open and started swaying his way off to his classmates.

Can you imagine?

Having nothing to do, I carried my book to read. Not long after, I heard a knock on my table.

Raising my head, What?” I asked arrogantly.

“How many pens do you have Mo-Mo?” He asked resting his elbow on the table on the other end.

“One. Why?” I frowned.

“Because I need one. My pen ink has finished and everyone else is still using their own except you.” He said.

“Oh! But return it when you are done.” I handed him the pen. “I'm not even supposed to give you.”

“Thanks.” He said, ignoring the last part.

“Wait Tomiwa.” I called out his name. He looked at me, surprised to hear his name from my mouth.


“How'd you find my name? And it's only my granny that calls me that.”

“Call you what?”

“Mo-Mo.” I said in a duh look.

He shrugged.

Prep was over and it was time for recreation. I took my books into the bag and dropped it in the hostel.

My classmates drew my attention to play the games they were playing, but I wasn't interested.


Hey guys sorry this story was a little short, but I would try and make the rest longer.

I know you guys were also shocked that Tomiwa was also in the hostel. What a coincidence!

Well to the real point: Please do like and comment. If possible you can follow me.

And yes please do share your thoughts.

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