Chapter 34- Mariam's POV

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“Mum, I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in ten.” I told my mum.

“Be careful!” She said.

The last thing I want to have now is to be gotten hitting by a car with, so I walked aside the road just to imbibe fresh air. Sighing, I spotted a familiar face.

The quick stomping of her foot resonating from a short distance made me recognize her. Yeah, she came back from hostel because of her injury, but I am pretty sure it has stopped with the stomping of foot.

“Moyin wait! Please, I can explain.” The sound of Tomiwa's voice made me worry what he did to my best friend to make her look this way.

“Moyin?” He called her again. Like Hello, can't they see me from the little distance?

“Can you just leave me the fuck alone!” She yelled breathlessly.

During the whole fifteen years on earth, I had never seen two lovers running like chickens.

“Moyin!” He called again.

The aftermath of his voice reminded me of a child being scolded for playing in the neighborhood without asking for permission.

“Moyin, come on, let's talk about this.” Tomiwa shouted, his patience seeping out of him. He sounded frustrated. I don't blame him by the way he kept on following her, still not noticing I exist. I'd feel worse if my boyfriend doesn't want to listen to my apology, even if I have no idea why Moyin is mad at him this time.

Tomiwa always tries his very best not to make Moyin get mad at him for any reason, but Moyin's always the annoyed type of person.

Now she's probably waiting for me to fly from the sky to save her ass as she stopped and turned to Tomiwa. I had everything planned for today, and the both of them weren't part of my schedule.

I couldn't hear them anymore, so I decided to hide and walk in between the cars to reach them. I really need to know what they were saying. I had spent like twenty minutes on this road, not reaching the destination at all, plus my mum must be waiting cause I told her I'd be back in ten minutes and I used more than the time.

I had to look at a front mirror of a black car to see their moving mouth and hear a little of what they are saying. Who knows ears dropping was that hard.

“What do you want Tomiwa? You wanted me to leave, and I did, why are you stopping me now?” The first question that came to my mind was leave what? Leave where? Stop her from doing what? Different questions boiling in my head.

“I wanted to find the right time to say this, but, am not coming to Preston High next term.” He replied, and I was indeed shocked, so as Moyin.

“Wha-what do you mean you aren't coming next term?” Moyin asked, her voice shaking in between.

Her dark eyes blazed in anger as she stared at him, it was like I could see fire in them.

“My mum said so. I can't come. I'll just come next year to write WAEC, NECO and JAMB.” He explained.

Ouch! Why does it hurt me that my best friend feels hurt right now?

My cell phone began to ring as I reached for the pocket of my Jean. Pulling it out, it read mum on the ID caller. I picked it up.

“Where are you, Mariam!? It's running late!” She yelled over the phone.

Oh, god!

“Mum, I am on my way.” I whispered.

“You better be qui--” before she could say more, I cut the call. She's going to kill me.

I turned to look at the two couples as I saw them hugging. What did I miss? I folded my arms.

Not wanting to spoil anything, I snuck out of the way, finding my way home peacefully.

I finally got home safely without my bad thought coming true. Opening the front door, there my mum figure, scared the living hell out of me.

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