Chapter 46- I have no choice

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My neck, waist, and shoulders ached so much. I could not sleep for four straight days. My days were getting worse and worse. My mum was making sure I don't leave the house because my dad said I shouldn't greet anyone until I leave. What kind of father is he?

Shaking my head, I sat on the corner of the window of my room. The silence in this place felt so pleasing, but the too much stuff in my head kept disturbing me.

My eyes opened, and I would love to toss myself out of the window, fuck and roll down the street and take off somewhere.
Like I would get anywhere.

I just wish Moyin was here.

My mum told me four days ago that Moyin called after I was done with my morning exercise that I haven't done for like ages. After I waited for Moyin to call, which she finally did. I lost it. I couldn't tell her what I wanted to anymore. I just kept on saying it wasn't necessary anymore. I'm so stupid.

I hear the screeching of car tires and the shattering of glass.

“Fuck.” I groaned, rushing out of my room.

Can't this man be any more careful?

When I got to the door, the door slammed on my face, making me wince in pain.

The figure of my dad immediately showed in front of me as I frowned at him, rubbing my forehead.
I don't know why mum gave him the key to the house.

He doesn't make my day any better.

I'm not surprised he doesn't show any concern of the things he had broken outside. I rushed out to look at what he had damaged.

He ran off through our garden and broke the glass that was protecting the garden on its own.

I sighed in frustration, rubbing my fingers together. This is a disaster.

“Dad, you broke the glass.” I informed him. Like he doesn't know.

He reached towards me and stepped back outside.

“I'll fix it before leaving, don't worry.” He smiles at me. Thinking I would pretend like everything was okay.

“No, I would worry, please. Dad, you're making things worse for me.” I tried to soften myself a bit.

“Shut up.” This time he was facing me and if I wanted to do it, I would slam the door shut at his face.

He then smiled at me suddenly, and I started to feel this man is a psycho or something.

My heart stopped when I found Moyin so far away from my house watching what was happening. I inhale deeply. Something inside me stirs as I watch as her eyes lit up, making my guts twist.

What was she doing here now. I can't make my dad know I have a girlfriend. Or else I'm dead.

Suddenly, my father crooks his finger at me. “You. What are you staring at?”

“Nothing.” I lied.

“It doesn't look like.” He started turning to know who.

Before he could turn completely, I stopped him and gave an apologetic look to Moyin from afar before bringing my dad in.

Where's mum? Do I need to deal with this man today again?

My dad sat down on the sofa before offering me to sit next to him. "That's weird. Anyway, have you started packing?”

I inhaled for a minute and started cursing my mother in my mind to come downstairs now. I needed to avoid this conversation.

“I'm not done yet. Got distracted.”

“By what? I think I remember telling your mum not to allow you to go out?” His eyes are on fire now.

“Yes, and she didn't let me step a foot.” I told him.

“Okay, so, are you prepared to go to London?” He cocks his head at one side, waiting for my response.

What type of question is that? Of course, I'm not prepared.

“I haven't thought about this yet..” I started off easy, trying not to piss him off. “To say I'm ready will be a lie. I just need a few months, maybe even years, to adjust and become a whole new person you want me to be.” God, I hope this works.

“How do I know that you aren't luring me into making you stay.” He says, and my eyes narrow at him.


“I'm sorry. I just need to get used to this. I just need a while.”

He scoffed. “You already have a while, even more. You got two more days.”

And it's just now I noticed. Damn, I should really know better. Time had been so fast.

“It's not enough.” I complained.

He shakes his head. “Tomiwa, I have no intention to hurt you in any way. I just want to help you and also help our family. If I wanted to do my thing, I would have dropped you in a plane before now. But I didn't.”

I nod. It is so true. Leaving my friends and everyone else will be something I would learn to adjust to over the. I'll never sleep on my bed in Nigeria. That also, I'll get to go to college without writing exams but with just my results in school here. Thank God, I wasn't dumb. Also, my dad.. I don't know how he became super rich over there, but what can I say, it is the easiest way?

“Believe me. I'll give you sufficient time to adjust to your new life with me over there. If not, then you'll choose what you want after one year is over. Understand?” His smile his softer and for once, he looks sincere than actually looking like a psycho.

One year?

I managed to force a smile. “Thank you.”

“So we're betting, then?” He brought out his punky finger.

I chuckled and brought my hand out. This is a deal. I'm seriously leaving everyone behind. My friend, my girlfriend, the annoying house mistress and housemaster in school. Tire and others. Especially my mum and siblings. Do I have a choice? Also, the reason I haven't mentioned them is that they're not home but had been living with my grandparents before the VS.

I miss them so much.

I need to go to church tomorrow, so I would actually meet them and bid them goodbye.

My mum came in through the door, and I wondered when she went out without telling me.


So, he agreed to this? Comment what you want to happen in the next chapter. You never know what would happen. Let's find out...

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