Sequel 7- The night confusion

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It was night already, and I decided to pack up and leave to go home. Mariam wanted to wait for me, but I asked her to leave without me. She hesitated, but I told her I was going to finish my work very late before she finally left. I wasn't going to let her stay, even if she wanted to. She knows I wouldn't agree with her staying, so she gave up even without trying.

I took the closest elevator, and it took me downstairs.

I was out the door as I was glad I saw a taxi immediately. I didn't have to walk or go to a bus stop, which is very risky at night, and I wouldn't have a choice. As I open the door of the taxi, I spotted a very familiar was Mr. Tallman Tomiwa with a lady in the car. She caressed his arm as I felt a slight pain in my chest.. it felt like jealousy, and I didn't like it one bit. I shouldn't even care.

Mr. Tallman turned to look at me. I gasped softly. I was even more jealous that it was actually him in the car. I was expecting not to be him.

His lips were pink as usual as he bit it slowly and muttered 'fuck'. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, and I knew I wasn't supposed to be here.

It was then I realized it wasn't a taxi and the lady was seated at the driver's seat and him at the passenger's seat.

I shut the door and walked away. Now I have to take the bus.

"One disadvantage of working extra hours." I muttered angrily.

"Moyin." He called out my name, and I didn't like it one bit.

"Go back to what you were doing. I'm sorry I interrupted." I said without turning back to look at him as I kept on walking.

"Moyin." He called again.

I rolled my eyes and walked even faster. I heard his footsteps coming closer. He was running towards me.

I did what came to my mind as I took off my heels, held it in my hand and began running as well. I was breathing so fast, but I kept on running because I wanted him to lose sight of me and stop calling me.

Apparently he was faster than me, as he wrapped his arm around my waist from behind. I was struggling to escape his strong grip but as expected, he was even stronger than the last time he ever gripped me.

"Drop me now or I will scream." I said, still struggling, even if I knew there was no escape until I kept my damn mouth shut.

"I'll drop you when you are ready to calm down." He said, his tone deep and harsh.

I stopped trying to escape as he did as he said. When he dropped me, I was about leaving his sight when he grabbed me by my arm and pushed me closer to him as he grabbed me on my waist and his other hand on my neck.

"I knew you would do this. I just want to talk." He said, his eyes looking so apologetic.

Talk? And he's grabbing me like he wants to kiss me. If he wanted to talk, he should have talked a long time ago.

I tried escaping his grip but since I couldn't leave I just gave up and looked away from him other than looking at him.

"Moyin." He called out my name, making me feel so uncomfortable.

"It's Ms. Alana." I told him. Everything between him and me is strictly professional and nothing casual.

"Really?" He sounded hurt, and I didn't care less. "And since when did you change your last name to that?" He sounded so confused.

Of course, he doesn't know. Why would he?

"It's none of your business." I told him blankly.

He finally took his hands off me.

"Okay. Can we talk?" He asked.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said and walked away. Making sure he doesn't grab me once again.

"Let me take you home." He offered, but I wasn't interested in him knowing where I live when he doesn't even care, when I know all these are just him playing with my head.

"No, thank you." I rejected his offer as I continued walking.

I was thankful he didn't follow me and was disappointed that I would have to take the risky bus.

I sighed.

I was almost at the bus station when I heard the horn of a car. I frightened as I yelled and jog out of the road.

I turned back and I saw Mr.Tallman through the glass.

I thought I stated clearly he shouldn't bother. God, what the actual hell is happening?

He drove his car past me and stopped in front. He came down from his car as he walked and stopped in front of me. "Get in."

I scoffed, folding my arm.

"I'm not going with you." I stayed on my words. I was serious.

"Please. I insist." He said.

I bit my lips. I mean, I would rather enter his car than to actually take the bus by this time of the night.

"Okay." I struggled to say.

A smile formed on his lips as he jogged towards his car and opened the passenger seat's door for me to enter. I walked towards his car and entered it, feeling so uncomfortable. I can't remember the last time I felt this uncomfortable.

"Thank you." I said.

I nodded his head as I watched him shut the door and walk in front of the car to the driver's seat. I kept my gaze on the road and didn't say a word.

"Don't worry, I know your home address..." He started to say as I turned to look at him, furrowing my eyebrows at him as he looked back at me.

He let out a little chuckle. "I know I sounded a little creepy--"

"Yes you did." I said cutting him off.

"...but I have information about all my employees." He told me.

"Oh." I bit my lips and turn back, looking at the road as he starts the car to drive.

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