Chapter 48- The take off

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"Mum? Why are you crying?"

She didn't answer. I looked at her worriedly.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern.

"No," she whispered as tears fierce in her eyes again.

"Is it about dad threatening you?"

Never once has dad cared about anyone's feelings.

"No. Well, yes, but no."

"Everything will be okay. Are you worried sick that you'll miss me?"

"Yes." She whispered, swallowing the sob.

"Don't worry. We can always talk over the phone." I wished I could say this to Moyin as well.

"Your dad loves you so much. The advantage of you going to London is an opportunity for you." She said, kissing my forehead.

So, dad fooled you too!

Your dad fooled your mum.



Today, the upcoming worse day of my entire life. I hoped that today never came, but unfortunately, here it is.

My alarm woke me up at exactly 5am. I did my morning exercise before going into the bathroom to take my bath. Today was supposed to be a good day for me, but I'm trapped.

My dad was the one who told me never to tell anyone I was leaving, but he had the gut, and he went on and told Hannah about it. Obviously, he's setting me up.

He wants you to marry that brat.

Shut up Jnr and let me think correctly.

Okay, I'm shut.


But he wants you to.

I said shut up. Please now get out of my mind.

When I was done taking my bath, I cleaned my leg on the foot mat before stepping out and changing into a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans, with my white Converse.

I carried my phone with me and my trolley.

Wait, you forgot something.

Not now Jnr.

You forgot the pictures of you and Moyin. Aren't you taking them with you?

I went to my cupboard and picked up all the pictures I had, to never forget anyone and our memories.

My phone dinged, and it was a text from Tire. I opened it and it read...

*Goodbye asshole. Remember to end it with my sister, but don't have her collecting hurtful words from you. Now get out and don't even think of thinking twice*

I read it letter by letter. Over and over again. Does he want me to break up with Moyin?

Just do it. It for the best. You'd hurt her if you continue this relationship. Let her move on.

I scrolled through my message and clicked on Momo. I smiled at the memory of the prep hall...

Me: *let's break up*

I gave myself serious talking before finally sending it.

It's for the best.

I checked the time, and it was five fifty-one already. I kept my phone in my pocket. I looked around my room. I'm truly going to miss this room so much. I switched off the light of my room and I head downstairs with my trolley.

When I got downstairs, the lights were already on, and I could see my mum and dad in the living room. When my dad spotted me, he stood up from the sofa, reaching towards me.

"Come on now. Let's go." He said while taking me outside with my load on my hand.

I turned to look at mum, who was about to cry. I release my hand from the trolley as I run towards her and gave her a tight hug.

"I'll miss you, mum." I told her.

"I'll miss you too, son. I love you." She sniffled.

"Love you too, mum. Tell everyone I said bye. I promise, this is not a goodbye, but a see you later."

I turned back, taking my trolley back on my palm before, I head out, shutting the door behind me.

My dad opened the trunk of his car for me.

"Don't worry, I'll carry it with me in front." I said, and he agreed.

Throughout the whole drive, I stared at the window, controlling my tears. I balled my hand into a fist.

Soon we arrive at the airport. I came out of the car with dad. He helped me carry my luggage, which I wasn't expecting at all. We walked inside and all I could think about is Moyin, Moyin. If she had seen the break-up, she would probably hate me now. I regret doing this.

"I'll park my car somewhere for them to keep, then we leave." My dad spoke, breaking me from my thoughts and I nodded.

Soon we're on the plane. I sat in the window seat and stared out the window. My dad patted my shoulder and gave me a reassuring look.

"You'd be fine."

There was an announcement, that the flight was going to take off, and my heart skipped a bit. I fastened my seatbelt. And here we are, the plane took off. I closed my eyes.

I took out my phone about to call Moyin when the flight attendant ordered me to keep my phone and put it in flight mode.

My life is already over. This is it! Where my life is ruined because of this man. Everything is actually over between us. Me. Moyin. It now feels like nothing ever happened between us.

I'm so sorry, Moyin. I wish I could tell you, but I truly am.

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