CHAPTER 10- Unknown Feelings

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After he left, I cried with all my heart. My tears could show that he really cared for me. Does he like me? I doubt it. But the way he acts these days are really impressive. Like I've just known him for like three weeks or maybe more. He affects me so bad that all I could think of was never leaving his side. He is the weirdest human being I've seen. In a good way. I could feel hurt in his eyes when he found me in pain. Yes I was in so much pain. God, I'm so sorry Tomiwa, to put you through these stuffs that's bothering me right now. My hand, my hand hurts me so bad from what happened two days ago. And my head hurts so much, like someone is pounding stuffs on it.

After I cried like what felt like an hour, I suddenly remembered about prep. I then checked the wristwatch on my wrist for the time. And it read 5:55 p.m. 5 more minutes till prep over. Well I have to go inside before the house mistress starts with her talk. She has pretty gotten fund of this school, so she is becoming more annoying. At first, I thought she was a nice woman.

I stepped into the prep hall and my eyes were in search of him. When I suddenly found him he then looked up at me. I was really shaky. But I had to hide it anyway. I didn't move my eyes from him at all, I just kept looking. Then I looked up and down, up and down at him. Like eyeing him from up to down. Then he looked confused and looked down at his... Um you know the private part of a male. He looked back up, and I just gave him a smile... a faint one actually. I felt hurt in his eyes, but before I could do anything again I quickly went back to my sit. Blessing on the other hand started asking me or should I say was forcing me to tell her everything that happened.

You can't understand girl.

"Looks like someone is falling for the new guy in school. In ss2, and a boarder." She cleared her throat, whining to me. I know I blushed. I know I did.

"I am not!" I tried to be serious but still in vain.

"Mmn. I know." She said sarcastically. I looked up at Tomiwa to see if he was seeing what was happening, because oh boy! I'm going to be done for. When I looked up at him, he immediately brushed and mistakenly, he hit his head on his table. I saw him groan in pain. He clenched his fist and banged it on the table, unconsciously. He then looked in my direction, then I was quick enough to look at my opened book in front of me.

Prep was over after those five minutes that I had been waiting to be finally over. I was the first person to dash out, so I would not feel any hand on my shoulders or anywhere. Walking to one of the classrooms since that's my personal space now. I heard someone call me.

"Moyin!" The familiar voice called out but I ignored.

"Moyin! Wait."

Still ignoring.

I ran into one of the classrooms. Because I couldn't deal with it anymore.

"Moyin, what's wrong with you." He yelled. I knew he would follow me.

"Leave me alone. I want to be alone right now. Don't you get it" I yelled back.

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop this. What is pursuing you?" He looked frustrated.

" You!" I yelped.

"Me? Why are you running away from me?" He said, this time calmly. Hurt filled in his eyes.

"I'm not... running away from you." I prevented myself from crying again.

" Then what? What is wrong with you. Ok fine. I care about you. I care about you so damn much. Can't you respect that at least once in your life?" His veins were showing. Indicating how frustrated he was.

I was shock.

"I.. I... I..." I was speechless for the first time in my life. Tears falling from my eyes again.

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