CHAPTER 9- Untold

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When I got inside the prep hall, few people were there but what I noticed was that she wasn't there, and I don't know the reason why. I need to find the reason why. She barely even cries. Seeing her cry was a big deal for me, but I don't know why. It's even her fault. She herself is so stubborn on her own. I tried to ask her, but she was acting too sturdy for my liking. I need to find out what's wrong.

Still waiting, but no signal of her coming. Tired of waiting because I didn't want to disturb myself, I carried my math and started solving. I noticed miss. Susan, their house mistress looking around, but suddenly she frowned and stood up. Looking at her as she stepped out of the hall, I went back to my work.

Few minutes and I saw miss. Susan coming in, followed by Moyin facing down. She didn't even look up at all, making me marvel a little. What's happening. I put my hand on my forehead trying to think straight, but I couldn't.

I was already feeling frustrated and so doing the craziest thing that just came to my mind. Standing up, I trekked to her seat and held her wrist, pulling her up. She gasped.

“Excuse me ma, excuse me sir. I need to tell her something.” I told them, they just looked at me confused in what I was doing exactly.

“It's urgent. Please.” I beceeched. Not listening to what they had to say, I dragged her out, to the backyard of the hostel. I couldn't wait anymore. I was tired of this so I hugged her. Not just normal hugging, but a type of hugging that means something. I could feel her shiver beneath me. She tried to free herself from me, but I didn't budge. After so many attempts, she finally gave in. Do I have feelings for her?

No I doubt it. We are just friends. Right?

Releasing her from this so called 'awkward moments'. Silence prevailed.

“Look if you are here to force me on telling you. The answer is no, I will not.” She broke the silence. I didn't miss the nervousness in her voice.

“I am not here to force you Moyin. But,” I stopped for a second before continuing. “But please tell me why you were like this all day. Your brother is worried sick about you. But you also ignored him all day. Please tell me what's wrong with you.” I held unto her shoulders looking straight into her eyes. I don't know but looking at her is the best vision that I could ever see through in a human. Her plum lips were shivering. Staring at her lips, she bit it suddenly.

Oh fuck, I need to calm my balls.

“I… I can't.” She muttered under her breath, tears prevailing from her eyes.

“What can't you tell me Moyin?” I whispered facing down, fighting the urge to cry in front of a girl. Saying that seeing her cry like this didn't affect me at all is an understatement. It made me a total mess.

“I... I… Mr. Ayo, he…” she trailed off. She tried telling me something about our principal but couldn't.

“He what?” I shook her shoulders to make her complete her sentence, but she seemed too weak to talk.

“He…he…he-” she was cut off by someone.

“Tomiwa, housemaster is calling you.” Damien, my seat partner in class and also my bunk mate in hostel called.

“ Thanks, I'm coming.” I said and he nodded.

Facing my attention back to Moyin, "Later. Okay?” I wiped the tears off her face before heading back to the prep hall. Thank God people aren't staring right now.

“Sir, you called for me.” I said as soon as I got to his side.

“Go and sit down now and stop walking about.”

I was about turning before I heard miss. Susan's voice.” Where is Moyin? I know you were the one that made her cry in the first place. Why can't you boys mind your own business?”

“Ma-” I was about talking, but she gave me a deadly glare and I immediately kept my mouth shut. But she is wrong. I thought I made I cry at first, but she said something about Mr. Ayo, our principal. Is he the reason why? I really need to find out but what this woman is saying that. 'Why can't boys mind their own business?' . But let me break it to you woman. When you need those support one day, you would gladly know that we aren't just intruding in their business, but we just care for them. I wish I could tell her directly what I just thought, but there is no use. They would always call it disrespecting. Let me leave before I open my mouth to say something that would pass my mouth.

Reaching to my seat the next thing I could hear was Damien whispering in my ears, whining me to tell him what happened between me and Moyin. I felt really uncomfortable by his questions before Moyin stepped inside. It seems that she had cried her heart out. Taking a glance at her one more time. I caught her staring at me before she didn't even move her eyes, but she was just staring at me. What is she looking at. I looked down at my body, but there was nothing. I looked at her and I realized how I just performed my stupidity in front of her. But she didn't laugh at it but just gave me a faint smile and went to her seat. I could see one of her classmates whom I think goes by the name, blessing, whispering something in her ears, but she just blushed and looked at my direction. It was my turn to feel shy, so I quickly hid my head on the table in front of me. But it turns out that I hit my head so hard.

“Shit.” I grunted loudly, rubbing my forehead.

Looking at her once again. I found her reading. Great. Just great.


What's up guys, what is really wrong with Moyin?

Clue questions: Does it have to do with their principal?

Please share your thoughts on what happened between the principal and Moyin.

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