Chapter 27- You're mine and only mine

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I looked at her now weak face, as I didn't expect that word to come out of her mouth. She smiled, and I knew she never regretted saying that word: I LOVE YOU. I wanted to kiss her right now, but she would definitely feel so uncomfortable in her state.

I wish this nail doesn't do so much damage since they have treated it already.

I held her hand in mine, squeezing it gently, fighting back anger.

“You are so beautiful when you are angry.” I heard Moyin whispered.

She likes when I'm angry?

I didn't comment on her words, I just gave her a confused look.

“I... I don't mean you should get angry always. You just look beautiful.” She stuttered.

“Why then beautiful?” I inquired.

“Okay for a boy.. you are handsome.” She groaned, giving up.

“Let's fuck,” I said after much silence, winking at her. She brushed hardly and hit my chest playfully, even with her state.


“What?” I said, chuckling in my word.

“You can't talk…dirtily to me.”

“Sorry,” I shrugged, still laughing.

“Stop laughing.” She glared.

“Geez what crawled up in your ass and dead... I was just joking.” I stopped laughing, putting on a serious face.

“You give me no choice but to accept everything, you always say.” She frowned.

“Just for your satisfaction.” I teased.

“Okay, so now you are happy teasing me in my condition?” She turned her face to the side.

I was about to say something when the male nurse of our school came in. I literally can't remember his name.

“Go!” Moyin whispered, turning back to me. She was shooing me away with her hand.

“Moyin, any problem?” The man asked.

“Um... No.” She said, looking at me now.

“Then what is he still doing here?” He asked, pointing at me.

“Sir, I told you I was done with my schemes.” I said more like a question.

“You still have to go to class. You know.. I don't want your principal's wahala.” He said, whispering the last sentence.

“Okay, I'll leave.” I scoffed, rising to take my leave. I turned around and winked at Moyin as she blew a kiss.

Before the nurse could suspect anything, I ran out.


I went back to the sick bay during closing. I opened the door handle. Opening it completely, Moyin wasn't there.

“Where is Moyin?” I asked the nurse sitting.

“Hostel. Why?”

“Thank you.” I said and went out.

I didn't start looking for Moyin right because she would be asleep by now.

That reminds me. Mariam didn't apologize to Moyin. But now is not the time to focus on that.


I closed the locker of sports room. I feel so sweaty and more exhausted. I came out of the room and all the boys were smelling like sweat, just like I probably am too. I was about to go when an arm caught my arm. I looked up to find no other than Moyin standing in front of me.

“Hey baby!” I greeted her with a charming smile, still in concern.

“Hey,” she said, smiling at me.

“You shouldn't be here,” I demanded.

“But your coach didn't say anything about me entering.”

“Woah! Okay, no. You have a leg injury.” I whispered unexpectedly.

“But I stand with the other.” She shrugged.

“I don't care about that now, you can't walk with it.” I said more like a question.

“I can.. see.” She attempted to walk, trying to justify that she could walk. All of a sudden, her foot slipped, and suddenly, she was falling forward.

Right before she could hit the floor, I envelop her, catching her right on time. Her hand instinctively flew up around my neck.

She looked up in surprised and I could see relief in her dark brown eyes.

She pulled away quickly, biting her so delicious lip.

Without much contemplation, I pulled her by her waist to me, as she looked at everywhere, and I did also just to find everyone looking at us.

“Tom, leave me. Everyone is watching us.” She said in a low voice. And then I kissed her on her cheek.

“Well good. Then they would know you are mine and only mine.” I declared.

I smiled back at her own sweet one, as she blushed.

“Don't worry, I'm not kissing you now.” I teased.

I knew what I did affected her so bad, so I continued further.

“You smell.” I know I did smell, but I also knew she used that as an excuse.

“Whatever.” I sighed in defeat as I pulled away from her.

“Goodbye Tom.” She said, hoping with one leg to leave. I smirked at her behavior.


So guys, this isn't helping. I'm not getting any comments on anyone. I need to know your opinion because everytime I write I feel like I should stop writing. You guys are just reading this but not even commenting or voting. If I could get ten votes or eight, I would definitely post the next chapter.

It's not like I'm trying to force anyone. It just looks so embarrassing and discouraging when no one is even doing nothing.

Thank  you


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