CHAPTER 4- Weird

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I woke up early today before the bell would ring for morning rise. Yesterday was a really tough night.

I went inside the bathroom took a shower. It felt so great.

I was exhausted.

I finally got out of the bathroom and went to my bunk. I opened my cupboard and realised my uniform wasn’t in there, suddenly something stroked me.

"Oh my God!" I yelled quietly. I seriously left it outside.

What if someone steals it? I need to get it now. I rushed to the hostel door leading outside. I pushed the door but it was locked. Where is the key? oh no!

Calm down. I thoughtfully reassured myself.

My eyes landed on the ground as i spottted something familiar. I then realised it was the key to the hostel, I didn't waste much of my time. I grabbed the key and sneaked out.

Thankfully, my uniform was still up on its hanger.

Reaching towards it, I saw a dim flashlight that flickered on my uniform.

I turned to face the useless person, only to see a stupid drooling Tomiwa eyeing me head to toe.

I looked down at myself and realised that I was still on my towel.

I gasped.

What the hell is he doing here?

He gulped hard, staring at my almost half naked body, which made this situation weird and worse.

I should have thought twice before coming out. I'm embarrassed.

He kept staring at me to a great extent and my head was about to blow. He didn't say a word at all, but just drooling over me. I seriously don't know what he is doing here, or maybe he knew I was coming out and did this on purpose. I thought foolishly.

The silence was so loud and it was killing me.

I finally broke it, "What are you doing here?"

"I... Um... I wanted to take my-" He tried to explain, but I cut him off.

"Take what? What do you want from me Tomiwa? Can't you just leave me alone?" I whisper trying to avoid people from hearing our conversation.

I dragged my uniform angrily from the hanger, I went closer to him.

"I just came to take my clothes now get away." He hissed.

He pushes me away as my towel almost fell off, but I held it tight before anything happens next.

Seeing this, tomiwa's eyes widened at what he just saw, but he pretended he saw nothing.

"I should probably leave." I said, feeling embarrassed in front of this stupid creature.

It's all his fault, silly goat.

He rushed his way off to get his own clothes before turning back to me.

"Look, I'm sorry if you think I did this on purpose, but I didn't. But you..." He gulped harder, that I could see his Adam apple. He then continued. "You shouldn't have worn this outside."

"And how is that for you to decide. I can wear anything I want." I argued blindly, folding my arms on my chest. I knew he was right, but i wouldn'tlet him know that. Right?

He just ignored me and left, without saying anything further.

I let out a deep sigh and picked up my school uniform that fell on the floor when he pushed me.

I went back inside the hostel. Once I entered, I was greeted with a very hot slap. I shut my eyes and kept my hand on my face.

I opened my eyes slowly.

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