Chapter 37- Still hurting

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I woke up this morning feeling tired as hell.

“Wake up naughty head.” My brother shut my door open. He went towards my window, opening the curtain widely for me to wake up.

“Okay I'm up.” I groaned. “What do you want? Aren't you going to school.”

“I am. I just woke up not far from now, and you haven't even woken up fully.” He complained.

“I'm not going to school. Have you forgotten? What's the time?”

“It's ten already, and you're acting like it's something like four in the morning. Did you sleep immediately you got to bed today, or you were doing something else?” He questioned. Typical older brother.

That reminds me... I need somewhere to be. I took out my phone and texted Tomiwa.

Me: Meet me at my place by eleven. Okay?

I shut my phone off, heading towards the bathroom.

I came out of the bathroom feeling better and relieved from all the stress. I put on a tank top and sweatpants with my palm, puffing my long natural hair high up. I picked up my phone.

Tomiwa: Okay.


Me: Are you close now?

Tomiwa: Yeah, I'm almost there.

Me: Kk.

I went downstairs, I found Tire lying on the couch in the living room with his uniform on.

“What are you still doing home? Aren't you going to school?” I tapped him. He was sleeping. He was sleeping?

“Are you seriously sleeping? Go to school Tire!” I yelled at him, and then he realized he had dozed off for a while. I can't tell him I have someone coming over, and I don't want him to find out or else he would tease me about it all day long.

“Oh right. I'm not going anymore.” He said standing up. He removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, throwing the tie on his shoulder.

This couldn't be happening.

“What? Why?”

“Exams are over and today's Thursday. Just boring activities.” He said, and I couldn't even think of anything to talk him into going to school.

Should I tell him?

Maybe I should just tell him.

“Ugh.. Tomiwa's coming over.” I said giving up.

“What?” He said chuckling a bit.

“Yeah. We just need to settle something. And early this morning, he apologized and said he wanted to come back to me, but I asked him to come here, so we could settle it.” I explained to him.

“Mhnn like meeting of the minds.” He joked.

“Take me seriously Tire.” I said with a straight face.

A knock came from the front door and my heart rose. He was here.

“Okay, okay fine. I'd be in my room.” He laughed as I pushed him to go upstairs.

I opened the door and all I could see was an exhausted Tomiwa looking at me intensely. It was all me. I made him go through this stress. I don't think he slept at all.

“Can I come in?” He asked, and I had forgotten he was still outside.

“Yes please.” I said and he stepped closer. I moved a bit, so he could come inside, and then I shut the door behind me. I turned to him and we were so close. So close that our lips could almost collide. I felt his chest rise as he took a deep breath.

My bone felt like it was melting, but my heart couldn't stop beating so fast as it continued to hit my like a hammer in my chest. Look at our state. Still heartbroken.

If I were the old me, I would have insulted him, but I guess I learned a lot since I let Tomiwa into my life. It was still painful to admit that I couldn't hate him.

I learned that there was no perfect relationship. No one is perfect. Everyone has their problem going on, and you just have to understand them as much as it hurts. Right now, I am uncertain if Tomiwa and I are still in a relationship or not.

“I'm sorry I acted like a dick to you and I hurt you terribly. I was supposed to not be more mature, but instead I broke up with you through a text message and I thought through it and all I could think of is how big of an asshole I was.”

The helplessness and pain in his brown eyes wanted me to forgive him and for a second, I wanted to tell him that he wouldn't lose, but I couldn't.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked. I still cared for him, no matter how I tried to convince myself not to.


“You can sleep in my room upstairs then we can talk later.” I requested.

“I need you.. Moyin.”

His hands moved to my waist and I looked at his brown eyes. He held my face in his and pulled me forward.

“Tom.” His name came out unintentionally.


“No Tomiwa. I can't let you do this to me.” I said turning away from him. He grabbed my hand and accidentally brushed my arm.

He pulled away, his eyes widened in concern. “ I'm sorry. Did I hurt you.”

“Yes you hurt me. You hurt my soul. You hurt my heart. You hurt me Tomiwa. Everything in me, you hurt!” I said with blood shot eyes.

He reached for my hand to pull me back to him. I tried to fling it away, but he interlocked our fingers instead.

“You want to know how I feel too...?” He started.

I didn't reply, I just looked at him with teary eyed. Why does he always have to see me like this? I promise myself not to cry, but I later end up disappointing myself over and over.

“This is how I feel...” He held my right hand to his left chest.

His heart was beating so fast. Was he nervous? I looked at him and then decided to look away, but then he held my chin making sure our eyes meet again.

“Can you feel that? See how hard it is to actually talk to you. You make me so nervous when I don't want to.”

“Why are you doing this?” I sounded frustrated. I know I did.

“Please I'm sorry. I promise that we'll face all the problems together before I go.”

“You're messing with my brain. I don't even know what to say now. I can't be facing things when you actually don't care about me.”

“You know that's not what I meant.”

“Then what do you mean, huh, dazzle me please.” I said.

I didn't want to go back to any mistake. We hugged yesterday because he did hug, and I slapped him after that, running away from him before he sent me some stupid text message probably he just wanted pay back.

“You know it felt good when we tried to make things work between us.” I said, and he started rubbing small circles on my palm.

“Do you know what else would feel good? Right here? Right now?” He questioned, his voice deep. I gulped nervously when he came closer to me again.

“This.” He leaned towards me placing a small kiss on my chin. “And this.” His lips moved upward, and he placed another gentle kiss on the side of my lips.

“I love you Moyin and no matter how much you don't believe me now, I would not give up.” He said and opened the front door, slamming it behind him.

What the fuck just happened?

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