Sequel 4- It was like we never knew each other

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I watched as both very familiar women ran past me to catch the elevator. I scrunched my eyes a little to be sure of who I was looking at.

It can't be.

Is that who I think it is?

They were about shutting the door to the elevator when I tried as much as possible to reach out to it to avoid it from closing. I saw how both of their faces were completely in shock.

I was staring at the one and only person I thought I would never be able to see again. She looked so different. Her lean body now very thick with her suit pants and a female suit itself. She was gorgeous.

I heard the person next to her clear her throat loudly, trying to catch my attention. I turned my head to look at the person a bit more, and definitely it was Mariam, her forever best friend in high-school.

I pulled myself together and entered the elevator as a normal human being would. I stood in front of them as I didn't know what they were doing at my back as I heard the both of them whisper God know what.

We got to the floor where my office was at as I was about bidding them goodbye.

Apparently, they were both coming out of the elevator, which means they were coming to this floor as me. Maybe they just knew someone from here who they just wanted to visit. They can't be working here, right?

Not wanting to ask any questions because it already seemed so uncomfortable for the both of them. I walked away and went to my office without looking back.

As I walked past people, the more I kept on getting welcomed and greeted. They obviously knew me as top ten renowned multibillionaire in the world, and I was used to all these. Getting used to it doesn't mean I like it. It was all dad's fault.

I got to my office and without thinking twice, I shut the door behind me and collapsed on my office seat.

I had a lot going on, and I had a lot to think about, now that I saw Moyin after how many years.

I'm sure she hates me at this point and wants nothing to do with me. I would take all of her anger and hatred towards me because what I did to her was very hurtful. I abandoned her. And seeing her face again after ten years makes me feel like shit.

It was like we never even knew each other. I placed my palm on my face as I rubbed it gently. I was feeling that dizziness again as I took out my pills from my bag and took the water in the glass cup on my desk. I took it to stop the dizziness.

Of course, my personal assistant, Michael, wouldn't dare forget about my water. He knows my sickness that started since ten years ago.


Moyin's P.O.V

I knew he was my real boss, but I wasn't expecting to see him because he is the CEO and CEOs and employer barely meet.

I felt completely uncomfortable when he stared at me before entering the elevator. Looking at him close made me realize how much that man had changed. He was very muscular and at that point at the elevator I wasn't mad but wishing I had been with him through his body journey because looking at him wouldn't have to be a big deal.

Mariam was telling me how hot he was while as she started whispering in my ear. I asked her to stop what she was saying because he could be listening to what she was saying, which mad e me feel even more comfortable.

I was about opening my mouth to speak to him when I suddenly remembered what his dad said to me ten years ago. He simply wanted me to stay away from his son, and ill do just that. The elevator opened to the fashion department, and apparently his office was also on this floor. He walked out of the elevator without saying nothing.

Of course. What was I expected?

I suddenly realized my hatred towards this man. He didn't even want to see me, so why would I expect him to do that now? I didn't fully believe what his father said about me, about what Tomiwa had told him. But, after he didn't come back for a year, two years, three years. I realized I was foolish.

Although it seemed good to see him again, but it hurts to see him once more at the same time. I couldn't bring myself back to the trauma I had felt.

Mariam and I walked to our offices as we were yelled at for being late by Ms. Oke, the head of the fashion department.

As expected.

"So today.. as you all know that the owner of the company is coming to take look at all the departments. So be prepared and even if you are not working on anything, act like you are because when the boss steps into our department and sees how hardworking we are, you never know, anything can happen." She paused before continuing. "You all need to act like you're all indebted to working before I call you all for your attention that he's here. Agreed?" She said.

Most of them agreed with her, while I didn't bother saying anything. I had plenty of things to do anyway. Not like I would pretend to be working.

Ms. Oke looked at me and shook her head at me. " You are so unbelievable. The party we all hosted for Mr. Tallman you embarrassed the shit out of yourself."

I wasn't concerned with what she was talking about. I embarrassed myself and I didn't give a damn. It's not their fault, they have no idea.

"Thank God he didn't see your face because we were all crowded." Stella, one of my coworkers, said as everyone nodded that it was true.

I looked at Mariam as she shrugged as she leaned towards my ear. " I lied. He didn't know you came. I just wanted you to stay, but I guess it didn't work."

I gave her a strong glare.

"If you know you aren't capable of things like that, then don't just bother coming to parties that our company hosts. I mean, you never come for it before yesterday. I believe it was the last time you'll ever be going to any of our parties?" Ms.Oke said, and I was very eager to answer.

"Oh of course. I wouldn't want to embarrass myself the second time." I said, using that as an opportunity to warn Mariam to never bring me to parties of any kind.

One of my coworkers, Dami, ran into our office to inform us that he was already coming. I felt a knot tied to my chest.

Let's just get this over with.

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