Chapter 32- Change of places

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Sorry, guys for my previous chapter, it was so short, and I got a complaint. But this time around, I promise it's going to be long and lit. BTW like and comment some crazy stuff because I'm… Crazy. Lol, sorry, what I meant to say is that I'm crazily in love with you. Wow! I just cracked a joke. Anywoooo I'm wasting you guys' time, so please carry on.

“Bananas..?” I guessed and he shook his head in no.


“Nope.” Tomiwa replied, shaking his head at me with a small grin.

“Then what?” I finally gave up.

“Oranges.” He shook his head at me.

“What? How am I supposed to guess that as your favorite fruit.”

“It's pretty easy.” He shrugged.

“Out of all the while fruits, its oranges you pick?” I asked, giving him an 'are you serious' look. “You are so weird.”

We were currently sitting on the sofa. Since we had nothing better to do, Tomiwa suggested we should play twenty questions, and eventually, I became fed up.

“Let's do something else.” I suggested this time.

“Like what?” And like that, I didn't know what to actually do.

“I don't know, maybe we should just sleep.”

“How about we just go to my house. It's gonna be fun.” And like that, he brought up another suggestion. Screw me.

“I think that's a bad idea.”

“Why? We could watch your favorite movies on Netflix.” He said, but I didn't want to give in.

“Nah, we could watch here.”

“You could have said that since, so you're coming with me.” He said, standing up as he pulled me up after him.

I grabbed my key from the counter as I followed out the door, locking the door behind me and tugging it into my pocket.

We walked for like ten to fifteen minutes, I was basically asking him to buy some stuffs for me on our way that we got a little delayed by the ice cream man. He was so rude, even with his age. Probably he knew he was gonna die soon, so he wanted to use all his anger on us. Poor man.

We got to this huge house, which, I assume, is Tomiwa's house. He didn't tell me his house was close by?

“You didn't tell me your house was not that far.” I said as I thought.

“Well, more like it isn't at all, if we didn't stop at all we would have gotten here earlier.” He grinned, and I smiled back at him.

We got to the gate of his house as I was the first one to struck my hand out to open it, but it didn't. I moisture myself to the side to make myself open it properly, but it didn't show any sign of it opening.

“How do you open this stupid gate?” I asked in frustration.

“Okay. It's in this area.” Tomiwa chuckled, gesturing his body to the other part of the gate.

The gate opened within a second, and I scoffed at him. Show off.

“Why didn't it open when I was trying?” I frowned, feeling annoyed that the door was only responding to the person living here.

“That because you were opening the wrong place. The place you were trying to open has been broken.” He explained, and I still didn't see any difference. If he actually opened it would have replied to his muscle, but I don't have any, why would anything want to respond to me.

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