Chapter 33- Confusion

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“Ok, let's go now.” He said, and stood up from his bed, ordering me to follow him.

“Gosh.” I muttered tiredly to myself as I tossed my phone back to my pocket. I just finished talking to my mum on the cell phone, she said she and dad were going for some sort of business stuff, and she wanted to spend sometime with him without us.

All I want is to live here with my boyfriend, without anyone disturbing us either.

I really don't want to go back home now. Staying with my brother for two days isn't going to help any of us, we'll just keep arguing every day, and he'll never mind his business.

You know, I just want to try new things before graduation and I don't know where to start from. It's not my graduation though but Preston High, yeah that's that's the name of my freaking school. So, Preston High allows all students to wear any fashionable cloth on VS.

I was lost in my trance when I suddenly heard a knock on Tomiwa's door. He starts heading towards the door.

“Who is that?” Tomiwa asked.

“It's me.” I heard Celeb's voice from the other end. He quickly opened the door.

He hissed and shot the poor boy a deadly glare. “What do you want?” He finally asked.

“Mum's back and she's asking for you.” He muttered weakly, his eyes covered with fear, like he just got terrified of a beast.

“Is she okay?” Tomiwa asked him with the same expression.

What's happening?

Caleb shook his head as he sniffed. Is he crying?

“Okay, tell her I am coming.” He told Caleb, as Caleb nodded, leaving the room for the both of us.

I turned to Tomiwa. “What was that?” I asked.

“You have to go now.” Tomiwa told me, ignoring my question.

“Tomiwa what's wrong?” I asked, but he ignored my questioning gaze.

“Moyin, please leave and use the back door.” Is he pushing me away? Okay, great.

“I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on.”

“Don't get on my nerves. Please.” He begged, but I'm not going to listen to him.

“Then kick me out.” I dared him.

“You asked for it.” He said, dragging me with his strength.

“Don't. Touch. Me, asshole.” I tried making him stop, but he didn't.

He was taking me to the back door and I didn't want to go, I just wanted to know what's wrong with him. I used my lady like steps, I guess that's what I call it. I twisted his arm, but I'm sure it wasn't broken, and kicked him on his stomach, making sure I wasn't actually kicking below.

I turned and ran to the living room, seeing Caleb, Sasha, and a woman who looked up to her thirties. She looked just like Tomiwa. She looked weak. Her eye bags were showing clearly, and it looked like she hasn't slept well. Her noses were pure red because she was light skin, it was visible. When she saw me, she opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it.

Tomiwa on the other hand ran towards me, grabbing my arm, interlocking our fingers together.

“I'm not going anywhere, Tomiwa.” I whispered to Tomiwa being serious.

“Oh! You are here?”

“You don't have to give me that face. I'm still your mother.” She replied, ignoring his rude welcome. Typical.

He walked to her, sitting beside her before facing her.

“Haaa, your face looks so red. Don't tell me you cried all day?”

What is he talking about?

His mother started bringing out tears, which was clear that it wasn't just something small.

“Mum stop crying.” Sasha, the second child, consoled her mother, coming close to her.

Tomiwa told me she was the second child.

For some reasons, I just felt like talking to his mother, but I have to go already. I am not their family and I don't deserve to know what's going on.

I turned to leave when Tomiwa called my name. “Please stay.”

“Who's she?” I heard his mother say, too.

“She's my girlfriend, Ma.” Tomiwa said as his mum chuckled.

“I'm leaving, my parents are waiting for me.” I lied. “Nice meeting you, ma.” I smiled at her about to leave.

“Moyin.” Tomiwa called my name, but I didn't listen.

“I'll catch up with you, Ma.” He said, and I knew he was following me behind, but I increased my step.

He was close by and anytime soon he was dragging me to say he was sorry but as I thought, he dragged me and all he could do was just to stare at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it back. I was expecting him to explain whatever was happened in there, but he didn't.

“Goodbye Tomiwa. See you during graduation.” I said, leaving him speechless.

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