Sequel 8- Picture Reopening

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He stopped his car in front of my apartment. I looked at him as he gave me a stern look. What was I expecting? For him to be giving a comforting smile? Come off it Moyin.

I came down from his car as I started walking toward my door. I heard a car honk and I knew it was him. I turned back to look at what he wanted again as he held out my purse in his hands.


I walked back to get it when he drew my purse away from me. He looked me in the eyes, apologetically "I'm so sorry..for everything."

"It's been ten years." I would rather not feel emotional as I took my purse from him before leaving his sight.

I know it has been ten years, but I'm still really hurt, no matter how much I tried to stop. I felt really broken.

He didn't stop me as I walked into my apartment.

"You're home." I heard my brother from the living room as he walked towards me.

I nodded my head and mouthed 'yeah' and forced out a smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Yeah just thinking." I told him. At least I wasn't necessary lying. I didn't just tell him what exactly happened.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

I just nodded once again and was about to leave to my room.

"When were you going to tell me?" Tire asked, making me turn to look at him.

"What?" I was confused.

"When were you going to tell me that you are working in Tomiwa's company?" He said evidently annoyed.

My chest did a backflip. I didn't want him finding out. Not after what he knew I went through because of Mr. Tallman.

"How did you--" Before I could finish, he cut me off

"Mariam told me." He said.

Of course, it's her. I forgot to mention, her and my brother have a thing for each other but not in a 'ship' way yet.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I know I wouldn't be, but at the same time, I know I would, and I need to be. And for some reason I feel seeing him would heal me, and I'd be able to move on.

"Moyin I can't..." He sounded as if he didn't want me to. I knew he really was worried about me. But I'm doing this for the both of us.

"You can. I'll be fine..I promise." I assured him and left to my room.

I knew he wouldn't approve, that's why I didn't want to tell him. I should have warned Mariam about telling my brother.

I switched on the light in my room and went towards the mirror as I look at myself.

"I am strong. I am brave. I am beautiful. I am me." I say every time I look at myself in the mirror.

I noticed my eyes. I still had those eye bags since ten years. The doctor said it was lack of enough sleep. And I know because I hadn't gotten enough sleep since the incident of my parents. But, it's not as bad as before.

Thinking about it makes me want to tear up, and I really wanted to. I remember mom telling me to cry when I needed to.

I went to my wardrobe and grabbed my box of where I kept pictures of my mom and dad. I went and sat on my bed as I opened the box. I hadn't opened it since the first day I went home after the accident.

When I opened it, the first thing I saw made me burst out in tears. It was a picture of my parents and then my brother and me.

A tear rolled down my cheeks when I saw the first picture. It was a picture of my mom and dad, doing a side hug as my dad used my mom's face to cover his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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