Chapter 30- Surprise!

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It was 7:59 in the morning and I slept off yesterday and forgot to come get my surprise, I guess I should get it now.

I headed downstairs, still with one leg. I got down, finally reaching for the dinning area only to see a big box, which read: had to go to work but here is your surprised.

I opened it rapidly, curious on what was going to be inside the box. I finally opened the box, showing three pairs of the latest NIKE'S.

I always wanted those.

Beside the pairs, I found a note. I took it, opening it to read it. I read it out loud: Please do not wear this until your leg is fully healed. But I'm sure you are happy to see this. Love- dad.

Under it read: I hope you like this. I know it's special to you, but don't wear it yet. Love- mum.

Under that read again: stupid girl, I was the one who told dad to buy this for you, if not, you wouldn't see this laying here. You better don't wear it unless you want to kill yourself! Xoxo- your annoying brother.

I smiled at what I read and closed the note back, placing it inside the box.

"Tire!" I called out.

No reply.

I went back upstairs to place the box carefully into my wardrobe. After I was done, I went into my brother's room, but it was empty.

"Tire," I whispered. But no one answered. Then it struck me, everyone has gone out. The house is left for me.

A big knock came from the door downstairs,, and I was hoping it wasn't the neighbors coming to complain about any noise because I didn't make any. I hopped downstairs. I walked to the door, managing my state, before I opened the door and found no other than my boyfriend standing outside.

"I've been knock--" he said, and I gasped, shutting the door on him, not letting him finish his sentence.

What is he doing here? No! This can't be happening.

I slapped myself twice to make sure I wasn't in a dream, but I definitely wasn't.

"Please open the door." He said calmly.

I didn't listen to him.

"Please open the fucking door!" He yelled this time.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled back.

"Fuck!" I heard him mutter.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"That doesn't matter right now. Just please open the door." He pleaded.

I silently opened the door, and I didn't know when a tear dropped from my eye.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt you." He said, hugging me. He shut the door behind him.

I hugged him tighter, and I didn't want to pull away, but he did.

"Look at me." He said.

But I didn't.

He huffed, pulling me closer to him and made me look into his eyes. He held my face. His lips are so close to mine.

"I'm sorry," He said in a low voice. "And I wouldn't do anything to make you unhappy. Understood?" He said, looking into my eyes with a determined look.

I looked back into his eyes. His eyes are so warm that glowed in them.

"I asked you something, Momo."

I sighed.

"Why did you then leave without saying goodbye?" I asked.

He didn't say anything.

"Why?" I repeated.

"Because... because my mum wanted me to come home, and my dad isn't home, so I have to be the one to take care of my siblings." He answered.

"Why aren't you with your siblings now?" I asked.

"They are in school. I'm picking them up later in the afternoon." He told me.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"But why are you here, though?" I still wanted to know.

"To see your face. Isn't that enough to justify your thoughts?" He said, making me blush hard.

"Okay, I haven't had my bath." I told him. I had to because I didn't want him to see the state he is putting me through.

"I don't care. Come here." He held my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"No. I don't feel comfortable without taking my bath." I said, and he nibbled a kiss on my neck.

"Do you want me to take you to your room?" he asked.

"You don't even know my room." I told him.

"Okay, but you'll show me." He winked at me before carrying me in a bridal style.

"No, put me down Tom." I warn.

"I love it when you call me that." He smirked.

I chuckled, punching him on his chest.

He took me upstairs still in his arms.

"Which one is your room?" He asked confused on how many doors we have.

"Put me down first, and I'll show you." I ordered.

"No. I'll figure it out." He went to the second door, bending down a little to reach for the door nob to prevent falling me over.

"This isn't my room." I lied.

"Such a liar." He said smirking.

He still didn't drop me.

"Okay," he dropped me while placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Get lost!" I told him after pulling away.

"I'm staying here. Or do you want me to come in with you?" He pointed to my bathroom.

"Of course not." I said and he smirked. What does he find funny now?

I entered the bathroom, closing it behind me. I chuckled on what just happened. He came here to see me. I love him so much.

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