Chapter 3

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        "Where's Justin?" Lee asks us. "Uh..." Finnball says. "I don't know," I confess. "You guys think he's here?" Netty asks nervously. "Probably. Maybe he just...woke up before us. Yea, that's probably what happened," Squid reassures her. See, Netty's still pretty young. She's only nineteen (by the way I know she isn't really nineteen but she is in this book). Okay, not that young, but young to me. We have a five year difference, so I still think of her as my baby sister, and I want to protect her as much as possible. 

        Justin is older than me, but only by a year. He's twenty-five and I'm twenty-four, but my birthday is in November, and his is in April. Now that I think about it, his birthday is coming up. It's only in...a few weeks. Yea, that sounds right.

        "Stampy?" she asks with a hopeful look on her face. "Yea, Squid's right. That's probably what happened," I say with a smile. Although deep down, I know that's probably not the case.

~Time Skip cause why not~

        We immediately went searching through the hospital for my brother. Amy, Rosie, and Netty, all wanting to stay together, went down to the first floor to see if he was in surgery for some reason, Finnball, Lee, and Ash went to the second floor to check the other hospital rooms, Squid and Nicole stayed on this floor, since Squid didn't want to wheel her through the entire hospital, and Sqaishey and I went up to the fourth floor. 

        "I have an idea, Stamps. You go check all the right rooms, I'll check the left, and we'll meet at the reception," Sqaishey tells me. "Good idea," I agree. We give each other a quick kiss, then rush off in different directions. I quickly peek into the first few rooms, making sure none of the nurses see me, since I'll most likely get in trouble. They're all empty, then I come across a room with an elderly man on a bed with who I'm guessing is his wife.

        "Excuse me," I say quietly. "Yes?" he asks with a wide smile on his face. "Do you know where Justin Garret might be?" I ask him. He looks over at his wife. "I saw the doctors wheeling his hospital bed to the elevator when I came to visit my love, here," she says, smiling at her husband. He laughs and kisses her nose. "They were mentioning something about pneumonia, and surgery. Does that help?" she asks me. What the hell? How'd he manage to catch pneumonia while in a coma? "Yes, thank you," I say shakily.

        I walk out of the room and go wait near the reception for Sqaishey. After a few minutes, she isn't there. "Stampy!" a voice yells behind me. I turn around, expecting to see Sqaishey, but instead see Amy, Rosie, and Netty running towards me. "What is it? And when did you guys start running?" I ask them. "As soon as we found out what happened to Justin," Rosie pants. I feel my stomach become knotted and twisted. "What happened?" I ask.

        "He somehow caught pneumonia when he was in a coma, and when he woke up he couldn't stop coughing so they took him into surgery," Amy explains. "Why is that so bad?" I ask them, not sure if I really want to know the answer. "Since he only just woke up, it's deadly," Netty says hoarsely.


        "Excuse me? Do you know where Justin Garret might be?" I ask for what seems like the hundredth time. This time, Nicole said we should ask the nurses at the nurses station, because they might have a better idea. "Let me check," one of the nurses says. She turns around and opens one of the many drawers of a filing cabinet. "This'll take a while," Nicole sighs.

        "Squid! Nicole!" I hear Stampy yelling. I look over to my right to see Stampy, Amy, Netty, and Rosie sprinting towards us. "What is it?" I ask when they catch up with us. "Justin' surgery," Netty pants. "He got pneumonia, and since he just woke up, they said it could be deadly," Rosie says. "Lets go find Finnball and Ash, then," Nicole says. "Wait, where's Sqaishey?"

        "We were supposed to meet at the reception, but she wasn't there. And I haven't gotten any calls or texts from her. Maybe she just went back to our hospital room," Stampy says. "Or maybe she found out about Justin, and went to tell Ash and Finnball," Amy suggests. "Yea, that too," I agree. "Why don't we stop talking, and go find them?" Nicole pipes up. "Yea...that's a good idea," I say, scratching the back of my head in embarrassment. "Oh, and never mind! We know where he is now!" I say to the nurse. "Good luck," she says, then returns to her desk.


        "Do you know where Justin Garret is?" Ash asks the nurse. We've checked almost a million rooms, and still no sign of him. Lee even went to go get a biscuit from the kitchen, it was taking so long. And I might've asked him to grab me one too...I wonder if the others have found him yet. "Lemme see," the nurse says. He looks through a massive pile of papers next to him, then looks back up at us. "Sorry, I don't see any sign of a Justin Garret. Maybe you should go check some other floors," he says. "Thanks anyway," I say.

        We walk down the hall to the elevator when I hear someone calling my name. "Hey guys. I got the biscuits," Lee says, handing me and Ash biscuits in napkins. "Thanks, Lee!" I say, and immediately start eating it. Ash presses the elevator button with his free hand and we all stand there waiting, devouring our biscuits.

        When the elevator opens, I look inside to see Stampy, Netty, Squid, Nicole, Amy, and Rosie. "Hey guys!" Amy says. "I want a biscuit!" Nicole complains. They come out of the elevator and we get out of everyone's way. "I've got one extra," Lee says as he hands her one. "Thanks, Lee," she laughs. "Don't go stealing my girl," Squid jokes. Lee puts his hands up in surrender, sending his biscuit flying while doing so. "No!" he yells, and catches it in his hand. Squid and I start clapping and the others laugh.

        "Loves it!" Amy giggles. "Wow, Lee! I didn't know you could juggle in real life," Stampy laughs. "I didn't either, but this doesn't really count as juggling," he says. "Well, it does to us," Rosie laughs. "Where's Sqaishey?" Lee asks through a mouthful of biscuit. "We thought she was with you guys," Netty says. I look over at Ash and he looks at me. "She's not with us, we thought she was with Stampy," I say. "She was with me, but then we split up to go find Justin, and she didn't meet me at the reception like we agreed. I assumed she went to find you guys or went back to our hospital room," Stampy says.

        "Well then she's probably in your room, lets go see," Nicole says. We all cram ourselves into the elevator. Squid lifts Nicole from her wheelchair and sits down in it, and lets her sit in his lap, since there wasn't enough room for everyone. We come out on floor three, where everyone was staying, and head to Stampy and Sqaishey's room.

        Ash decided to push Squid and Nicole- who was still on Squid's lap -because they thought it would be fun. He jumps on the side of the wheelchair when we come to a ramp and rides down it, Nicole screaming with delight and Squid laughing loudly. I run up to them and jump on to the other side of the wheelchair, and ride down the ramp with them. We all laugh with happiness until we near the bottom.

         "Ash! We're gonna hit the wall!" Nicole yells. Ash looks over at me and we nod at each other. "Go!" I yell, and we both jump off the wheelchair and grab the handles, slowing it down. "That was amazing!" Nicole giggles. Squid laughs and kisses her on the lips. "Get a room!" Stampy laughs.

        We all go into Stampy's room, not to find Sqaishey, but to find her phone sitting on the table, the screen cracked, her blankets strewn everywhere, and a pool of blood on her bed. "Stamps, I don't think she just went back to her room," Squid says softly. What happened in here?

I have no idea what I just wrote. But, knowing me, there's gotta be some drama. So...yea. Oh! My science test went great, thank you guys for wishing me luck, then they gave us two surprise benchmark tests in language arts and math! Ugh. And for anyone that doesn't know what those are, they're basically aptitude tests. I still have to finish tomorrow. And for anyone that didn't read the last update (lazy little...just kidding), I'm writing a collab with pixie6362 called A Sqampy Story, so go check it out! That's all for now, peace out!!

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