Chapter 14

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I wake up surrounded by snow, but still warm. There's a thin, green blanket wrapped tightly around me, as well as a small piece of paper resting on my chest. I lift my arm and pick it up.


I hope you are reading this. If you are, you're alive...well, you already know that, but I want you to know I love you. I was the person who took care of you last night. But that doesn't matter, you'll probably never see me again. I left some things in case you're here for a while.

                        - A Friend

I wonder who wrote that? Whoever they were, that must've been the person who came and took care of me last night. But I wasn't breathing last night, how am I awake now? More importantly, is Squid dead? Is Amy dead? Did everyone just forget about their friends trapped in the snow and just move on? Ugh, I'm starving.

I sit up and look around. Whoever was with me last night must've planned on being here for a while, because there's an entire camp here! There's a small box with some cornflakes in a bowl on it, probably being used as a table, a small hole filled with canned foods, a can opener, some small bowls, and plastic forks, knives, and spoons, as well as a pile of burnt sticks that were probably a fire last night. They were really prepared. I crawl over to the box and pick up a spoon from inside the hole. As I spoon the cornflakes into my mouth, I look around. None of this looks at all familiar, and there's no trace of life here at all. How far did I go?!

How am I going to find my way back?!


"Jackson," I growl at him. He pushes his hoodie off and grins. "The one and only." Squid looks at me with a terrfied expression on his face, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "I-I thought you died," Squid says quietly. Jackson's grip tightens around Squid and the knife digs deeper into his neck so that three small drops of blood fall onto the ground. Squid grits his teeth and clenches his fists. He shuts his eyes, squeezing out the tears that were just in his eyes a few moments ago.

"You guys are too gullible, I faked it! After your friend shot me, I played dead so that you'd all just leave. I'm honestly surprised you didn't think about moving me, once you all left, I got up and ran away, and treated the wound. When your other friends, I think it was Nicole and Rosie, came back to take my body away, they just assumed that someone else had taken care of it! Stupid girls."

"Don't call my girlfriend stupid," Squid growled angrily. "Oh! One was your girlfriend! I'm sorry I don't care, now which one was it, Nicole, I'm guessing?" Jack says sarcastically. Squid stands there with his mouth shut tightly. "Yep, it's Nicole. I can tell by the longing look in your eyes! But I can call your stupid girlfriend whatever I want, if you try to hurt me, I'll just hurt her," he says to Squid. "She's not stupid," I interrupt angrily. "Hey, you decided to butt in! Not really a wise choice, because I could just kill your friend. But I'll let it go this time, since your probably stupider than this one's girlfriend, if that's even possible," he says snottily.

"Alright! That crosses the line! You can call me stupid, but not any of my friends or my girlfriend," Squid yells. He ducks down under Jackson's arms and slides out from his grasp. He punches Jackson hard in the face, causing his nose to start bleeding quickly. I sneak over and try to pry the knife from his hands as Squid keeps him pinned against the wall. "Silly, silly Stampy. You think I'm just gonna let you take my weapon from me?" Jackson teases.

He kicks me back and I hit my head hard on the ground of the elevator. He laughs maniacally before shoving Squid backwards, causing him to stumble into the wall, and stands over me. I stare up at him helplessly, but not letting the fear show on my face. If I die now, I'm not giving him the pleasure of seeing my terrified face. He smiles at me and grips the knife tightly in his right hand. "I guess it's the end for you." And he throws the knife straight at my stomach.

I did the update earlier but I want you guys to know that I'm 4 FOLLOWERS AWAY FROM 100!! Please follow if you aren't already, I'm so looking forward to the Q & SLAY! Hope you enjoyed, peace out!

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