Chapter 21

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Stampy and Sqaishey grab some movie options, Amy, Ash, and Lee are getting snacks together, and Netty, Nicole and I are pulling the blankets back together to make it comfortable. Well, we were supposed to be. We started on it, then got bored, and started sledding down the stairs on Stampy's spare mattresses. "Oh my god!"  I yell as Netty pushes me and Nicole down. Nicole screams in joy and we slowly stop, right by the kitchen door. I burst into laughter and soon enough, Nicole joins me. Netty comes running down the stairs and plops down next to us. "That was awesome!" she exclaims. 

"Did you guys even get the blanket together, or were you just doing this?" Stampy asks from the top of the stairs.  I can tell that he's trying to hold back a laugh. "Well, we were, then we got bored, then we realized that mattresses make really good sleds," Netty laughs. "Whatever, me and Sqaishey have got some movie choices for us, have Amy, Ash, and Lee gotten the snacks?" he asks.

I open my mouth to ask them when Ash runs out of the closed kitchen. The door swings shut behind him. "Yes! We got popcorn, candy, chocolate, fr-" I hear a loud pop from inside the kitchen, and swearing from Lee. "What happened?" Sqaishey asks, appearing next to Stampy. "We didn't realize that you can't microwave hot dogs..." Amy says. Stampy sighs and I burst into laughter. "Lee Bear! Did it explode?" I ask. "Yup!" he calls back. "Shouldn't be too big of a deal, Stamps. We'll clean out your microwave," Amy says. "Anyway, I was going to say fruit, crisps (or chips) , and hot dogs in case anyone was hungry, but I don't think we'll be doing that any time soon," Ash continues, playfully glaring at the kitchen door. "Sorry!" Amy calls.

Ash goes back into the kitchen, and Stampy and Sqaishey run down the stairs, their hands full of movies. They drop them in front of us and Sqaishey looks at us expectantly. "What?" Nicole asks. "Choose!" Sqaishey laughs. "Do a romantic comedy!" Amy calls from the kitchen. "Alright!" Stampy says. "Lovely Jubbly!" she giggles. "How about this one?" Sqaishey asks, picking up a copy of The Fault in Our Stars. "Sure," I say. "I've never seen it." "I don't think any of us have, we were asleep," Netty says. "How'd you get this, then?" Sqaishey asks Stampy. He shrugs and takes it from Sqaishey, opening the case. "Oh! It was a gift from Lily for when we woke up," he says, showing us a post-it with Lily's neat cursive written on it inside the case. "I'll thank her later."

Amy, Ash, and Lee come out holding bowls of the snacks, and we all find a place to sit in front of the TV. Stampy and Sqaishey snuggle up to each other on one couch, Amy and Lee take the other, I sit in front of a couch, leaning back on it, and Nicole rests her head on my shoulder, making me smile. Ash sits next to me, and Netty sits next to Nicole. "Wait, are we going to wake up Justin?" Amy asks. "Nah, let him sleep," Stampy says, looking affectionately at his brother, who's still sleeping on a pile of blankets near the kitchen.  The movie starts playing, and I slowly relax, eating popcorn as it starts.


The movie ends and I'm sobbing, along with Sqaishey, Netty, Nicole, and...Squid? "Squiddy, are you crying?" I ask through my tears. "O-of course not! I j-just got s-something in my eye!" he says, obviously trying to sound like he isn't. "Oh whatever, yes, I'm crying!" he cries, reaching for a tissue and blowing his nose loudly. Sqaishey laughs a little and stands up, stretching. "Well, I'm going to bed, and since Lee and Stampy are asleep on the couches, I'm going to sleep in Stampy's bed," she laughs. "Night, Sqaish," I call as she goes up the stairs. "Night!"

"I think I'll just stay where I am," Nicole says, looking up at Squid. He kisses her forehead and she giggles. "Mind if I put something on?" Netty asks. "Sure, just don't wake the sleeping cheese," I joke, gesturing over to Ash. She laughs and Squid hands her the remote which happened to be right next to Ash. She puts on some old cartoons, and I snuggle up to Lee, grinning. I yawn, shutting my eyes, and fall asleep.

Fun fact: I've actually sledded down the stairs on a mattress before, and it's a lot of fun! (If you don't crash into a door like I did XD)

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