Chapter 25

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"Hey, Nikki! We've got another adoption!" David yells at me. I see him and another teenage boy running toward me, with Harmony on the teen's back. "This is Harry. He and Harmony are..." "Cousins!" Harmony exclaims proudly, glancing at Harry. Harry blushes a little and nods. "Hey, Harry. I'm Nicole, David's girlfriend," I introduce my self. We shake hands kind of awkwardly, he's obviously extremely shy.

While David and Harry talk for a minute, I take some time to study Harry. He wears a light blue t-shirt that says random on it in big letters. He carries a book in his right hand, called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (I'm reading that, it's so sad!). He wears ripped skinny jeans, and io just notice a small blue bracelet on his left wrist. It has a small heart charm. I wonder why he's wearing that, the boys I meet don't tend to wear bracelets with hearts on them.

"Er, Nicole?" David asks. I glance over at him. "Oh, sorry. I kinda zoned out," I lie. I have quite a bad habit of observing every little detail a person has. I wasn't even halfway done, but I suppose it's for the best. It's not the best feature of my personality. I notice that Harry's wrist, the one I was studying, has disappeared. "Wha-."

David coughs loudly. "So, I think we will have to go get this noodle some new clothes, and I'd rather not be alone with two girls shopping, so can you come Harry?" David asks. "Uh, sure," he says quietly.

"Do you wanna go check up on the others really quick, David?" I ask him. Sadness flashes across his blue eyes, but disappears just as quickly as it came. "Yea, I can drop you guys at home if you want?" He offers. "That's alright. We can go with Amy and Lee." He nods and walks away.


I walk over to an ambulance, seeing Stampy being loaded into it. "Excuse me," I ask the nurse in a voice more hoarse than I expected, "do you, uh, mind if I ride with him? His girlfriend and our other friend are also hurt, and they can't-" "Of course you can, love," she interrupts, giving me a warm smile. "Thanks."

"Sit here, you can hold his hand if you'd like," she says. As soon as I get inside the ambulance, they shut the back and start driving quickly to the hospital. A paramedic puts a breathing mask on his mouth, and another gives him an IV. I look away before, needles terrify me. We arrive a lot quicker than I expected, and I'm quickly ushered out by a few nurses, and they transfer Stampy to a different gurney and head inside, yelling about lung surgery.

I find a seat in the waiting room and pull out my phone, calling Netty. "What hospital are you at?" she demands as soon as she picks up. I quickly give her the details. "Wait, where are you?" I ask. "Doesn't matter. I called mine, Sqaishey's, and Ash's parents and they're on their way. You don't have to worry about it."

"Thanks, mate," I say. She hangs up and I see a nurse looking at me. "David Spencer?" He asks. "Yea," I say. "You were Ash's emergency contact. He's okay, just needed to be patched up a little. Would you like to go see him?" he asks. I nod and he leads me down a small isle, surrounded by patients with burns, like he had. I go in where the nurse directs me, and he leaves as soon as I enter. "Hey, Cheese man. How ya feeling?" I ask him. He smiles a little. "Alright. My leg hurts quite a bit, though." He pulls the blanket over a little to reveal a large bandage covering his left calf. "Jeez, that's pretty bad."

"Guess what? Apparently that isn't even the burnt leg," he says. "What? How could you have forgotten what leg you burned?!" I asked, somewhat surprised. "I didn't, apparently I burned the other leg but didn't really notice. The other one," he pulls the blanket a little farther up on the right, "hurts like hell." He grinned at my shocked expression. There's a large white bandage covering from the bottom of his right calf to the mid section of his thy.

"Nevermind, that's the worst one," I gasp, gaping at how large it is. "You shoulda seen it before the bandage was on." He shudders. "That was a scary sight." A nurse walks in. "Oh, your parents are here, Ash," she says softly. "You'll have to wait in the waiting room. We only allow a certain amount of guests at a time, sir," she tells me. "Oh, that's fine. Don't let them worry too much, mate," I tell Ash. He laughs and I head out with the nurse. "Do you know if there's a Joseph Garret or Beth Bates available to visit? I need to see some of my other friends. She looks at her clipboard. "Joseph is still in surgery, but you may visit Bethany. Room 441 on this floor, she's just around the corner," the nurse tells me. "Thank you!" I say, and start heading down. This is gonna be one hell of a visit.

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