Chapter 13

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        I open up my closet door and pull out a big, puffy jacket with soft fur -fake fur- on the inside. I push my arms through the sleeves and go into the kitchen. I start boiling some water for tea and look at my phone. I have a text from Ash asking if I made it home okay, as he was dropped off before me. (A=Ash, S=Squid)

S-Yea, I'm fine. I'm going out for a few hours, so don't expect me to be home any time soon.
A-Where are you going? It's like 2 a.m.
S-I just need to pick some things up from a store that's a good half hour away from home. Damn you, grocery store!
A-Haha okay. See you soon!

         Good, he doesn't suspect anything. I hear the teapot screech for me to take it off the stove, and pour it into two coffee mugs. I drop the tea bags in, put in some sugar, and put the top on the coffee mugs. I pick them up and tuck one carefully under my arm so it doesn't spill. I open the door and quickly walk to my car. I sit down, take the mug out from under my arm, and put it in a cup holder next to the other. Stampy lives pretty close to me (just pretend) so I arrive at his house in no time.

        I open the lobby door and go into the elevator. "Floor six, there we go," I mumble to myself. The elevator creaks loudly, then shoots up to the floor in which my best friend lives on. I walk down the long, dark hall and finally find Stampy's house.

        I adjust the mugs so they don't fall out from my carefully adjusted position, and knock loudly on his door. "Coming!" he yells, I'm assuming from upstairs. I hear a few loud slams and his shoes slapping the floor as he runs to answer the door. He opens it and smiles, then looks at my odd position. "Squid...are you okay?" he asks, obviously trying to hold back his laughter. "I made us some tea in case it got a little too cold out, and I didn't think about how I was going to hold them with this puffy jacket barely allowing me to move," I say sarcastically.

        He grabs a mug from my hand and I smile gratefully at him, stepping inside his house. "You got here awfully fast, especially if you also made tea," he tells me, taking a small sip from the mug. "Yea, well," I say. "Lets go find them," he smiles. 

        We head into the elevator and press the button. It opens a few seconds later with a person in a dark black jacket and jeans standing in the corner of the elevator. I look over at Stampy and he shrugs and steps inside. I follow after him and press the bottom floor button (say that five times fast!). We slowly head downward in silence, when I hear loud creaking, then it stops. "Stamps, what happened?" I whisper nervously, taking a quick glance at the guy in the corner of the elevator.

        I haven't told anyone but Nicole, but I have an extreme fear of getting stuck in elevators. I saw a television show when I was younger with Tom about someone getting stuck in an elevator and starving to death because no one could get in to help them. Tom got really scared and so did I. He wouldn't go into an elevator without me with him ever again. I myself didn't want to go into an elevator ever again, but I put up with it so that Tom would get over his fear. After he was...killed, I promised I'd get over this fear. I know, it's cheesy, but it's the least I could do.

        "The elevator just stopped, it's okay," Stampy says. He walks over to me and presses the 'open door' button, but...nothing happens. He presses it again and it creaks a little, but still nothing. I hear something move and instinctively look over at the man in the corner of the room. He stands straight up, walks over to me, and before I know what's happening, puts a knife to my throat.

        "Break up with Beth or he dies."


        I can't stand this, I've got to go look for them. I call Stampy to see if he wants to come help. After all, Lee and Amy are some of his best friends. He doesn't answer. Weird. I call again and still nothing. Maybe he's asleep...? No, probably not. If I know Stamps he'll be up recording videos right now, no wonder he isn't answering! I guess I could go to his house. I've only been there once, for his birthday a few years ago, and it was a blast! We went swimming, even though it was November, and Stampy pushed Squid into the pool when he didn't want to go in, "because he's a squid, and squid like water."

        I get into my car and quickly drive to Stampy's apartment. I press the elevator button and wait. After about five minutes, it still hasn't come down. I wonder if it's out of order. They could've at least put a sign up, wow. I go over to the stairs and begin the million mile hike to the sixth floor. Great.

~Time Skip~

        "That was exhausting," I pant to myself. I knock on Stampy's door but he doesn't answer. I put my ear up to the door and try to listen in. No sound. "Oof!" I yell as I hit the ground, halfway inside his house. I look up to see the door straight open. Why wasn't it locked in the first place? I stand back up and slowly tiptoe inside. There aren't any lights on. I run upstairs expecting to hear him recording in his room, but still nothing.

        Wait a minute...Squid said he was going out, Stampy isn't here...what happened to them?

Okay, I just realized something that I wanted to let you guys know. Above Stampy's bed, there's a sign that says "Bed for one because no one loves Stampy" but he and Sqaishey are dating now! I would suggest that he change it but I don't have a YouTube account. That's all, peace out!

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