Chapter 9

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        "What the hell was that for?" Lee yells at Rosie. "I-I" "You made her cry! She just had to shoot Jackson! That's what happened," he growls at her. He storms out of the room, leaving everyone staring. "Rosie, it's okay," Sqaishey says in an attempt to comfort her. "I know. I just had no idea...that that would happen," she says, still shocked. "I don't think any of us did," Stampy adds in. "I'm gonna go look for them. Can you guys deal with the police when they get here?" I ask. "Sure," Ash agrees.

      I give Nicole a quick kiss, then run after Lee and Amy. Lee's sitting in the living room, sobbing quietly. He has his head in his hands, but there's a small piece of paper sticking out between two of his fingers. "Hey, Lee," I say. He sits up and glares me, but then his expression softens. "Hey, Squid," he says. I sit down next to him on the couch. "Are you alright?" I ask him. "No, I don't think so. I think...I like Amy," he says hesitantly. I stare at him for a moment, taking in what he just said. "That's great!" I say. "No, it isn't," he argues. My excitement is replaced with curiousness. "Why?" He hands me the note and puts his head back in his hands. I open the crumpled up piece of paper to see messy writing scribbled on, as if whoever wrote this was in a hurry.

For anyone who cares,

I can't take this guilt. It's not your fault, Rosie, if you're reading this. It's mine. I can't take the guilt that I killed someone, even though I had to. I've decided to run away. Don't come looking for me, chances are I'm already dead.


        I place the note down next to me and look at Lee. "We've gotta find her," I say. He nods quickly and we stand up. I pick the note back up and bring it back into the room. "Call off the police, we need to do something," I say. "I was planning on visiting Justin. What do we need to do?" Stampy asks. I hand him the note and he reads it aloud.

        After he finishes, a look of sorrow replaces the normally happy look on his face. Rosie, Nicole, Sqaishey, and Lily all have tears running down their faces. Finnball looks really upset, Ash looks angry, and Lee looks as if he's about to kill someone. "You're right, lets go find her. I'll visit my brother later, he's safe," Stampy agrees.

        We hop into the car with Netty, who has a shocked look on her face. "What happened?" she asks. I whispers something to her and she nods sadly. "Don't worry, you guys! We'll find her," she says. She starts the car and drives off. Immediately we all start yelling her name, but with no luck. 

~Time Skip cause that part will take a really long time~


       After about three hours of yelling for Amy, we pull up near a gas station. "I was wondering when we'd need gas," I say. "I'll pay," Stampy volunteers. He gets out of the car and starts filling it up with gas. "Do you guys think we'll ever find her?" Lee asks sadly. "Of course, Lee! Trust me, we won't stop looking until we find her," Nicole says. He smiles weakly and leans his head against the window. "Thanks," I whisper to her. She smiles and I kiss her. "Ugh, didn't I tell you guys to get a room!" Ash complains. "This is what couples do, get used to it," I tease him. He crosses his arms over his chest in a pretend pout and Stampy comes back in. Netty starts the car again, and we drive off.

        "Guys, I think I'm gonna walk. It'll be easier to see her," Lee says. "Alright. I'll come with you," I volunteer. "Make sure you guys bring jackets, it's starting to snow," Lily warns us. And sure enough, it is. Small little snowflakes start falling from the sky, and landing on the ground softly. We grab our coats and get out of the car. "If you guys get lost or something, call me," Stampy says. I nod at him and we go onto the sidewalk.

        "Squid?" "Yea, Leematoad?" "I'm scared...for Amy," I turn to look at him. He's shivering like crazy from the snow that started falling surprisingly fast. "I am too. But if she does try know, we'll make sure she lives. After all, it's pretty difficult to commit suicide," I say, then clamp a hand over my mouth. He gives me an alarmed look. "Did you try to commit suicide?" he asks. I nod slowly, then look away at a park we happened to be passing. Lee grabs my arm and pulls me down on a bench. "Why?" he asks.

        "Well...I had a brother. His name was Tom. We were really close, until I became ten and he was eight. We were home alone, and someone broke into our house and kidnapped him. I tried to stop him, but he threatened to kill Tom, so I couldn't do anything," I say. "When he took Tom outside, I heard a loud scream and a gunshot, so I locked myself in my bedroom and cried. My parents came home later and I explained what happened. They weren't angry at me, and we didn't have a home phone, so I couldn't have called the police. I locked myself in my room that night and refused to come out for two months. I happened to have a pair of scissors in my room, so I plunged them into my chest, hoping it would end my life and my depression," I go on, lifting my shirt to show him the scars I caused. "I passed out, and my parents found me later and took me to the hospital."

        He stares at me, expressionless. "Damn...," he says finally. "Yea, Stampy and Nicole all had the same reaction when I told them," I laugh. "Anyway, lets find Amy."

There you go, Lily12Mermaid, I updated. I don't really have another author's note, so...peace out!

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