Chapter 11

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We try to follow Nicole's tracks she'd made in the snow, but it's difficult as we're looking through a window in the middle of a blizzard. I volunteered to step out and follow on the sidewalk, but everyone else said no. "I think that might be her," Lily says, pointing at a small shadow. "I'll check," I say. I open the door and sprint toward the shadow. It is a body, but I can't tell if it's Nicole's. I bend down and scrape away the snow that was on top of it, and right there is Nicole, unconscious in the snow.

I lift her up and cradle her in my arms. Her lips are already a dark shade of blue as well as her hands, she's shivering in my arms, which means she's not dead, and her light sweater has a small coat of ice on the sleeves. I carry her over to the car and Sqaishey opens the door with a shocked look on her face. "Is she dead?" she asks. I shake my head and they all scoot back to try and make some room for her. "Netty, drive to a café, we need to get her something warm," I tell my sister. "Okay, Stamps," she says.

"What happened?" Ash asks. "She was half buried in the snow, I don't know how you spotted her, Lily," I murmur. "It's a good thing I did," she answers. Nicole shivers a little more and Ash takes off his jacket and lays it on her. I can immediately tell that she's warming up. I smile at Ash and he grins. "I bought her some tea," Netty says, handing me a coffee cup. "Thanks, Netty. I'll pay you back later," I say absentmindedly. I lift her neck up a bit and tip some of the tea in her mouth. She shivers and opens her eyes. "Thanks, Stampy," she smiles. "Anytime for a friend," I say to her.

"Guys, we've all gotta get home. It's really late, and we can't look for them anymore."


"We can't just give up!" I cry, trying to convince everyone that we can't just leave them all out there to possibly starve. "Nicole, we don't want to leave them either, but what choice do we have? We're running out of gas, and if we don't get home soon, we'll freeze as well," Finnball tells me softly. "We could go looking for them. I'm not leaving them out there to get hypothermia or something even worse!" Stampy adds in. He flashes me a grateful smile and I return it to him. "It'd be crazy to go exploring now! We've been out here for hours! It's like two a.m," Ash says.

"I think I see someone!" Sqaishey interrupts, pointing at a silhouette of a person coming towards us. I open the door and hear someone yelling for us, and I know who that someone is. "David!" I yell. He comes running towards me and hugs me tightly. "We thought you were dead," I whisper. "I'll never leave you, I promise. Just like after that fight with Stampy, and like when we were saving Sqaishey. Never," he whispers back. I feel tears threatening to spill over my eyes as I press my lips against his. I grab his neck and pull him closer to me. I feel his freezing hands wrap themselves around my waist and squeeze it lightly. I never want this moment to end...

He pulls away, and we both breathe heavily, staring deep into each other's eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. "Where's Lee and Amy?" Stampy asks from behind us, snapping me out of my trance. "We never found Amy, and me and Lee lost each other when it started snowing too hard," he explains sadly. "Sorry guys." "It's okay, Squiddy," Lily smiles. His eyes brighten a bit and we climb back into the car. "How can we all fit in here? It's so packed," Sqaishey giggles. "We're all pretty small people, especially Stamps," Ash laughs. "Hey!" Stampy complains, sticking his tongue out at him. We all laugh and Netty turns the heat up a little more.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but we've all gotta get back to our homes," Finnball interrupts. "He's right. We can't search for them anymore," Sqaishey agrees before Stampy can argue. He looks unsure, then nods reluctantly. "We can't just leave them there!" Squid gasps. "We have to, buddy. We almost had to leave you too, until you showed up," Ash tells him. He looks as if he's about to argue again, but thinks better of it. He scoots closer to me and grabs my hand.

"Why are you so cold?" he asks me. "I-uh...I went looking for you guys and got buried in the snow," I say quietly. "You what?" he whispers loudly (know what I mean?). "Nicole, you shouldn't risk your life for me, I'm not worth it," he says, calming down a little. "You are worth it, to me."


Is this what it's like being dead? Darkness, through and through, yet you can still sort of tell how you felt as you died? I guess so, I don't think I'm breathing. I feel strong arms lift me up, and I try to snuggle deeper into the warmth they give me. I feel warmer, but I didn't move. I feel myself bouncing up and down as the person carries me. I wonder who they are. I try to open my eyelids, but get a stab of pain, causing me to immediately give up. Oh well, I'll be able to see when I'm meant to.

I feel them lower me to the ground onto what feels like a small, thin blanket. They lay something puffy on top of me. "Lee? Are you alive? Please tell me you're not dead," they plead. Their voice seems distantly familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. How do they know my name? I try to move but get even more pain. They sigh and I feel them slide their slender hand into mine. They squeeze my hand, making warmth shoot through it, as well as something else I've never experienced. It makes me feel...good. Well, good is an understatement. It makes me feel amazing. All I want is for them to leave their hand wrapped around mine, and never move it.

They lay down next to me, and I hear their hot, minty breath hitting my cheeks. They wrap their arm around me and pull me closer, pushing their head into the crook of my neck. I smile to myself and squeeze their hand again. Immediately a surge of pain comes into my hand. I hear the person gasp and sit up. Come on, lay back down. "Lee?" they ask. I try to move, but stop when I get more of the unbearable pain. "I guess I just imagined it," they murmur, and lay back down in the same position.

I know I recognize that voice, I know it! Who is it? Oh, I hate not knowing things.

I'M BAAAAAAACK!!! Hey guys, I'm feeling amazing! As most of you know, I was sick for a few days, and not able to write. But now, I'm all better. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on the last a/n, it really made me feel great! I know that most of you have been waiting and waiting for the next chapter, and here it is! Who do you think found Lee? Comment, and if you get it right, you'll get a shout out! Or do it for fun, your choice. And I wanted to let you know, since I got sick, my doctors decided to be precautious and move my treatment to March 2nd. So it hasn't happened just yet. Have you guys been enjoying Squid's new series, The Long Dark, as much as I am?! And Ash started a new lucky block series with Squid on his channel! Anyway, that's all, and peace out, Kitty Cats!!

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