Chapter 17

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"Bye, Lee," she says, pointing the gun at her head. "Amy, please! Don't do this!" I plead, stepping toward her. She puts her hand on the trigger and I step back. "Lee, I can't take this. I killed someone. Someone with a family, friends, people who care about them. He had a future, Lee. And I took it away," she sighs. I want to comfort her, but it's true. She did kill someone, with family, friends. But she did it to protect someone else. I have to get that through to her. I shiver from the cold, but try to ignore it. "Amy. Just listen to me. I don't know if this'll convince you, but I'm gonna try.

"It's true, you did kill someone. Someone with a family and friends that care about them and love them. But you can't kill yourself. Why? Because you'd be in the same situation as Jackson. You have a future to live. If you pull that trigger, you're getting rid of another person's future; yours. You saved Sqaishey by pulling that trigger. You saved Stampy by pulling that trigger. You saved Squid, Ash, Lily, Nicole, Rosie, Finnball, You saved all of us by pointing that gun at Jackson and pulling the trigger. But you can't pull that trigger again. You only needed to once. You have a family and friends that care for you, love you, need you, and don't want you to die. And no one cares for you, needs you, loves you, and doesn't want you to die, more than me."

And I collapse on the snow, violently shivering, and black out.


I lower the gun as he speaks, and just as he finishes, I drop it from my hands and stare deep into his eyes. I open my mouth to say something, anything, and he collapses and starts vigorously shivering. I stare in shock before running over and kneeling down next to him. I grab his arm to feel cold that a human shouldn't feel. It's too cold. Colder than the snow that he's laying on.

He's freezing to death, and he's freezing fast.

I rub my hands as fast as I can on his arm, and start feeling it get warmer. I smile to myself, because I learned this in elementary school. Whenever I got cold at school, my best friend now and then, Rosie, would rub my arms until I was comfortably warm. I grab his other arm and do the same, and start seeing color rising back into his pale cheeks. I pull the wool scarf I was wearing off and wrap it tightly around his neck. Ugh, why does it have to be so cold today! I pull my gloves off and shove them onto his cold hands. He coughs and I put my hands on his cheeks. They're so cold...

He coughs again and his eyes flutter. "Lee? Lee, please, wake up. I promise I won't kill myself, just please wake up," I beg. At this point I'm crying. I see one of my tears drop on his cheek, and I brush it away with my finger. "Lee, please! You have more to live for, Lee! Just like you said, there's people out there who love and care about you...including me. I love you, Lee. I love you with all my heart. Just please don't die." I bury my face in his chest and sob. Someone puts their hand on my back and rubs it for comfort. I sniff and look up to see Lee looking at me with a weak smile on his face. "Lee!" I exclaim, tackling him into a hug. I stare down at him and he stares up at me.

As if some force pulls us closer together, I lean down and he sits up, and we kiss.


I keep my eyes shut so that they don't think I'm conscious. When Jackson slammed me into the wall, I pretended to pass out so that he wouldn't hurt me anymore. And, if something were to happen, I could help out. Something like this. "You're in my way, now I'm gonna make sure it never happens again," he yells. I hear him run straight in the direction of Ash. Now.

I open my eyes and yank his shoulder back, right before he reaches Ash. I punch him in the face, and his nose starts bleeding. Sqaishey gasps, but I look back at her and point my head at Stampy. She nods and I turn back around. I hit him again and throw him on the ground, and kick him in the gut. He groans and I punch him again in the face, knocking him out. I kneel down and squeeze his shoulder, a pressure point that I learned as a kid would knock anyone out. I just want to make sure he doesn't do the same thing as me, even though he probably isn't even smart enough. I stand back up to see Sqaishey comforting Stampy, and Ash sitting on the floor of the elevator, staring at the floor as well.

I walk over and sit down next to him. He flinches but then realizes it's me and calms down. "You okay, mate?" I ask him gently. He takes his bloodstained hand off his lap and opens the fist he had it in a few moments ago. There's a small knife in his hand. "He came at me holding this, and I panicked and grabbed it out of his hands. I think I cut him when I pulled it away. But you had come a second later...I'd be dead," he mumbles. I slowly take the knife out of his hand and examine it. Where does he get all these knives?

I throw it out of the elevator and help Ash stand up. "It's okay, mate. You're okay now," I reassure him. He nods and we go over to Stampy and Sqaishey. They are both okay now, miraculously, but now we've gotta find a way out. "How are we gonna get out of here?" I ask. "And what are we gonna do with this guy?" Ash asks, gesturing at Jackson. "He'll figure out a way out of here. And me and Ash had to climb the elevator cord. It's too early to ask the lobby for help," Sqaishey says. "Alrighty, then," Stampy says, walking to the front of the elevator and climbing up it. "Well that looks easy," I say, looking up at Stampy climbing up the cord. "Not really," he grunts. I hear him sigh as he pulls himself into the sixth floor opening, and I pull myself up.

I stand on top of the elevator for a moment before grabbing the cord and pulling myself up. "You weren't kidding!" I yell up at Stampy. This'll take a while.

~Time Skip~

As Ash pulls himself in, he dusts his hands off his pants. "Jeez, that's a lot harder, going up," he sighs. "Now what?" Sqaishey asks. Stampy looks at all of us. "What else? Find Amy and Lee."

I'm so sorry it's been forever!!!! I've been super busy lately, though. I had surgery today (and I'm okay now), my mom was in Sacramento last weekend, I had to stay at my cousin's house during Easter, my cousin (she has Migraine problems) is afraid to take her medicine now, and I'm apparently her therapist to help her not be afraid! I'm a mess. But I'll try to update more, peace out!

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