Chapter 16

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Justin (how many of you either didn't expect this or forgot completely?)

As I open my eyes I see I bright light shining down on my face, and squint against it. The doctors told me that I could possibly die from the pneumonia or the surgery, but I didn't expect it to be like this. Am I even dead?

"Justin, how are you feeling?" someone asks me. I slowly turn my head to see a nurse looking at me. "Okay," I croak. Wow, I really am weak. "I bet you didn't expect to be so weak when you woke up," she says, as if reading my mind. "Are you feeling any pain?" she asks. "No, not really. Did the surgery go okay?" I ask her. "Yes. It went wonderfully. But I'm afraid that, until your doctor clears you, you may not eat any solid foods," she tells me. "Oh. Alright, then. Am I allowed to eat at all?" I ask, finding more of my voice. "Yes. You can eat Jello, a Popsicle, stuff like that," she tells me. "Can I have some Jello please?" I ask. "Yes, and you have a visitor."

Once she walks away, I hear quiet talking outside and Netty walks in, a wide smile on her face and her arms pulling her jacket tightly around her. She runs over and pulls me into a tight hug. "Justin, you're okay!" she says, letting go of me. "Hey, Netty. Where's Stampy?" I ask her. Normally I'd call him Joe or Joesph, or my old nickname for him, Jo-Jo (which he pretended that he hated but I know he liked it), but now he insists that I call him by his YouTube name. "He wasn't answering his phone. I think he might be tired, considering everything that happened when we left the hospital," she says, looking around the room absentmindedly. "What happened?" I ask her.

"Oh yea! You weren't there. Well, Sqaishey was kidnapped by her evil ex boyfriend, Jackson, and we all went to save her. Squid went in and I think he was shot, cause he was bleeding everywhere. Sqaishey was tied to a chair and Ash and Stamps went in to save them, but then they were captured and Amy, Rosie, Finnball, and Lee had to go in. They started started choking Lily Ann (she came to visit) and Nicole so that we'd give up. Then Amy stole the gun and shot him, then freaked out and ran away. We looked for them for a while, then Lee and Squid decided to get out and look for them, then we lost them as well. We searched for a few hours and found Squid, then had to stop because it was too late, and everyone went home," she finishes.

"Wow," I say. "Yea," she sighs, sitting down in a chair next to my bed. "But good news, the surgery worked and you should be leaving today," she says, going back to her bubbly self. "Cool, then I can help you guys find everyone," I smile. "And you'll be out by your birthday! It's in a few weeks," she tells me, pulling out her phone and showing me the calendar. "Wow, I forgot," I say.

"Got your Jello," the nurse says, walking back in with strawberry Jello and a spoon in her hand. "Thanks," I say, eating it quickly. "Are you going to leave, or stay here?" I ask Netty. "I'm staying, if that's alright with you. I don't have anything else to do, it's five a.m.," she says. "That's fine."


"How are we going to get inside?" Sqaishey asks. " a crowbar?" I ask her. "No," she laughs. "Then I guess I'll have to try this." I let go of her hand, put mine on each of the elevator doors, and pull. I hear a loud squeaking sound and it slowly opens. Once it opens enough to fit us both in, I let go and start panting. "Jeez, Ash...I didn't know you were that strong," Sqaishey says. "I didn't either, I was just hoping for a good outcome," I laugh.

I look down and see the elevator a small bit below us, it's metal cords going straight up the middle of the elevator shaft. I grab one of the two cords and slide down onto the top of the elevator. As I try to find my footing, my foot misses and I almost slip off. "Ash, are you okay?" Sqaishey asks frantically. "Yea, I'm fine. You've got to grab a cord and slide down, it might burn your hands a bit, though," I call up to her. "Okay...," she agrees nervously. A few seconds later I see her sliding down and I grab her waist so she doesn't fall. I help her down and she smiles at me. "Thanks," she says.

"No problem. Now, how are we going to get in?" I ask myself. "I could climb in front of the elevator and open it," Sqaishey offers. "I'm not sure that's very safe...anyway, how would you open it?" I ask her. "This is a weird elevator, it has buttons on the side of it as well, if that makes sense," she tells me. "I know what you mean. So you would press the button and it would open the elevator?" I ask her. I see her nodding her head in the dark. "Alright..." I agree reluctantly. She kneels down and grabs the top of the elevator and swings herself down. I hold her hands down so she doesn't slip and look down at her. She kicks the button and the door slowly starts opening. "Nice," I congratulate her. "I took a little gymnastics when I was little," she tells me.

I hear a gasp and a loud scream and Sqaishey's hands slip right out of mine. "Sqaishey?" I ask, swinging down after her. I jump into the elevator to see Stampy bleeding on the floor with a bloody knife next to him, yet still conscious, Squid passed out in the corner of the small elevator, and Sqaishey with a knife to her throat, being held by...Jackson?!

"If I can't have her, no one can!" he screams, pressing down on the knife and letting go of her. She screams in pain and falls to the ground, her neck bruised and bleeding. Stampy tries to make his way over, but Jackson threatens to hurt Sqaishey again so he backs off. "What the hell?! I thought you were dead!" I yell. "Didn't we all?" he says, smiling.

"Shut your mouth," Stampy growls angrily. "Back off, Jackson! Isn't it obvious that she doesn't like you?" I ask. "I love her, so she's going to love me back," he says. "And that is what I call, psychopath's logic," Stampy insults him. I can't help but laugh, but Jackson doesn't think it's funny. He looks at me, eyes blazing, and pulls out another knife. "You're in my way, now I'm gonna make sure it never happens again," he says.

And he charges right at me.

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