Chapter 22

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I yawn as I wake up, and open my eyes, smiling at everyone else, still fast asleep. But something isn't right. Well, something doesn't smell right. I look around and my eyes land on the swinging door to the kitchen, smoke emitting from the door quickly and filling up the room and quickly traveling to the second floor. "Squid!" I scream, jumping up from the couch. He groans in response and I kick him in the back. "What St-oh crap!" he yells. We quickly wake Amy, Lee, Netty, Ash, and Justin. "We were using the oven to make some snacks!" Lee tells me. Well, I guess we have the cause of our fire.
"Get out you guys!" I yell, quickly following behind them.

Wait a minute...


"Squid, take everyone out, I'll be right there," I tell him. "What? You've gotta get out, mate," he tells me. "Sqaishey's upstairs," I tell him, my voice wavering. I see the realization hit his face. "Oh, sorry. Now go, I'll get everyone out," he says quickly. We hug each other and I run upstairs, coughing from the smoke. I wouldn't be surprised if I got bronchitis. I run into my bedroom to see Sqaishey sprawled on the floor, breathing heavily. She obviously tried to get downstairs. I quickly pick her up and cradle her in my arms, going downstairs as fast as possible while carrying someone. The fire is already licking at the door, and drop Sqaishey on the couch, shoving her head into a pillow so she breathes in less smoke, and cough violently. I sit on the floor, trying to catch my breath. I slowly stand up and as I head for the door, I see that the fire has beat me to it.

There's a line of fire right in front of the entryway, blocking any entry or exit. I frantically look back and see that there's fire behind us as well. Crap. I've only got one choice. I put Sqaishey back down and kick the door to the kitchen open, going inside. I squint, trying to find the fire extinguisher, but with no luck. I turn off the oven and turn around, seeing the fire extinguisher next to the water jug and lung for it, pulling it into my hands and knocking over the water jug. It shatters, sending water everywhere, and soon reaching some electrical cords. I run out of the kitchen, coughing, and try to extinguish the fire in the entryway which is now slowly moving towards the door. It works, and I grab Sqaishey and run toward the door.

I hear a loud sizzling from the kitchen, and quickly drop to the ground, Sqaishey curled into a ball under me, and try to cover every part of her body with mine. I brace myself for what's about to happen, and pray that she doesn't die.

I hear a loud explosion and my ears ring. I shut my eyes as another explosion goes off, and pass out.


I quickly hug Stampy, smiling at him sadly. I run out after everyone else and we sprint down the stairs along with a bunch of other people. We reach the lobby and run outside, and I see people pull out their phones, calling 999 (or 911 for Americans), sobbing on the ground and screaming about relatives. "Where's Stampy!" Ash asks me nervously. "H-He...he had to go get Sqaishey," I tell him and everyone else. Netty bursts into tears and Amy tries to comfort her and Lee awkwardly rubs her back. "Do you think they'll be okay?" Nicole whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks. I pull her into a hug and we all sit on the ground, the fire department, ambulances, and police cars pulling up. "I don't know, Nikki," I tell her.

I stare at the ambulances as the lift people onto stretchers with crying relatives next to them, watching some show a little joy being allowed to ride with them, and others becoming angry or crying even harder when they realize that they can't. I stand up glancing at Netty to see if she's doing any better and sigh when I realize that she isn't. I hear a hiss from my right and see Ash pull his baggy jeans up, revealing a horrible burn.

"Oh my god, Ash! Why didn't you tell anyone?!" I exclaim, kneeling down next to him. "It's not a big deal, there are people who need help more than me," he says through gritted teeth. "It is a big deal, they're here for a reason. You're going to the hospital," I tell him sternly. "I can take it, it's fine," he argues. "No. Excuse me, can you help out my friend?" I ask a paramedic. "Sure," she smiles. Ash slowly stands up and her and a few other paramedics put him on a stretcher, putting a mask over his face and starting an IV. "Thanks for letting us know," she says, and I smile. They quickly take Ash back to an ambulance and he waves at me, and his hand falls back down. That gas stuff works fast.

"Excuse me?" a high pitched voice asks me. I glance down to see a little girl, about four or five, staring up at me with big, brown eyes. I kneel down to her level. "Yea? What's wrong?" I ask. "Well, my daddy carried me down the stairs, and I can't find him or my mommy. Do you know where they are?" she asks me. She looks so hopeful, it breaks my heart. "No, I don't. But I'm sure they're okay. Tell you what, you can stay with me and my friends until we find your mommy and daddy, okay?" I smile. "Yay! Thank you!" she exclaims, hugging me and giggling. "What's your name?" I ask her. "Harmony," she giggles. "My mommy really likes that name." "You have a really pretty name! Mine is David," I tell her, unable to keep the smile on my face. "I like your name too," she says. "Alright, I've gotta go take care of something, but I'll leave you with my friend, okay?" I ask. "Okay!" she smiles.

"Amy? Can you come over here?" I call to her. She nods and comes over to me, kneeling down and looking at the little girl. "Well who's this little ball of cutie?" Amy asks, making Harmony giggle. "I'm Harmony," she says shyly. "Oh, no need to be nervous. I'm Amy. And I love your name very muchly!" she says. Harmony laughs. "Wait, we need to make this a formal introduction," Harmony says, becoming serious. "Nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Harmony. What is your name?" she asks. "I'm Amy. What a lovely name," Amy grins. Harmony tries to keep a straight face but then bursts into laughter. "Daddy taught me to be polite. But I think it's funny, talking like that," she laughs.

I walk away, Amy seems to have got this under control. I hear a loud explosion from behind me and quickly turn around, seeing the building erupt into flames. Another one happens seconds later, and a collective gasp is heard from everyone. Some people start screaming and crying again as the police and firefighters usher them back. "We need you and your friends to move," A police officer tells me. I glance over to see Netty screaming at the police officer trying to get her to move. "Sorry, her brother was still in the building," I apologize. She nods sympathetically, and I walk over to Netty. "Netty, Netty! They'll get him and Sqaishey out, okay? But you have to listen to them," I tell her calmly. She looks over at me, the despair showing clearly in her eyes. She nods and me and Lee slowly take her back to the caution tape.

Harmony and Amy run up to us, tears in Amy's eyes. "Do you think my mommy and daddy were in that explosion?" Harmony asks, stumbling over the word explosion. Her big, chocolate brown eyes slowly tearing up. "I don't think so, love. But if they were, I'm sure they'll be okay." She stares at me for another moment, before running into me and hugging my legs. "Thank you, David," she says.

"Anytime, Harmony. Anytime."

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