Chapter 10

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        "It's snowing really hard, guys. I'm gonna call Squid and ask where he and Lee are," Ash says. "Good idea," I agree. I stare out the window at the upcoming blizzard, and wonder where they are. Unfortunatley, in circumstances like this, I imagine the worst. What if they're lost? What if they're freezing to death? What if they found Amy...but she's already dead?

        "He isn't answering, and neither is Lee," Ash says. "I'm going out to look for them," Nicole announces. "No, you're not," Sqaishey tells her. "You can't stop me," Nicole argues with her. "Squid will kill us if we let you out," she says gently. "You don't have to. I'll let myself out." She reaches forward and whispers something to Netty, who pulls over. Nicole opens the door before anyone can stop her, jumps out of the car and runs down the street.

        "Oh no, what are we gonna do?" Lily asks. "We'll try to follow Nicole, okay?" I say. They nod and I turn to Netty. "Why did you let her leave?" I ask her. "Well, I wasn't really listening to you guys, and she just said she thought she saw something outside and was going to go check it out," she explains sadly. "I didn't know she'd just run off." "It's okay, Netty. Let's try to stay with her," I reassure her. I hate seeing her sad, she's my younger sister. I don't want anything to happen to her.


       "Mate, I think we're lost," I say to Lee nervously. "My phone's dead. Can you call Stampy?" he asks me. "Sure." I reach into my pocket and try to turn on my phone, but nothing happens. "Um..." "Your phone's dead too, isn't it?" he asks me. I nod slowly and he sighs. "Great. Now we're stuck here," he complains. "Where exactly is here?" I ask. We look around to see nothing but snow and...snow.

        "I'm not letting this stop me, I'm going to keep looking for her," Lee declares. "No, you're not. It's stupid to keep moving during a blizzard, we're staying here," I tell him. "You can stay here, but I'm going no matter what you say," he argues. I look into his blazing eyes and can tell that he's not gonna budge.

"Well I'm not letting you go alone," I say. He smiles at me and we continue walking.

~Time Skip~

        I've completely lost track of Squid. We were just walking, squinting hard to try to see if we could see anyone, preferably Amy, and I couldn't see him anymore. I've been out for hours, wandering around, trying to find him. I can't feel my toes or my fingers, and I'm sure I have a bad case of frostbite and maybe hypothermia.

       "Lee!" I hear someone yell. "Amy?" I ask. I don't get a response. Did I imagine her calling me? Am I hallucinating? Is it possible to hallucinate from being too cold? I feel a massive gust of wind slam against me, knocking me over into a massive pile of snow. I try to get up, but fall straight back down into the snow.

        I feel the snow quickly piling on top of me. I try to dig myself out, but it seems like every time I dig, more snow piles on top of me. I eventually give up and sigh to myself. This is it.

At least I'll be with Amy.

Hey guys. I know it's been a few days since I've updated, and I'm sorry. Especially to you, Lily12Mermaid. I meant to update, but then I got a TON of homework at random, my homeroom teacher's daughter had a baby, so I had to make a card for my entire grade to sign, and now we have our Valentine's Day party, I can't keep up. I haven't had much time to update, so that's why this chapter isn't as long as normal. I'll try to update whenever I can, but until then, peace out! ✌

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