Chapter 15

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Where could they be? If Squid was supposedly "getting groceries" and Stamps isn't here, Squid must've been lying. They aren', they're not gay. They both have girlfriends. Stampy could be at Squid's, but if he was, Squid wouldn't have said he wasn't going to be home. He wouldn't lie about that kind of thing. They could be with their girlfriends...probably not. There's a chance Stampy left his phone...yea, I'll start there.

I quickly run back down stairs and over to the couch. I rip the cushions off the couch, revealling a few American coins and some rubber bands. I put the cushions back on and go into the kitchen. His kitchen is pretty tidy, a lot cleaner than mine, but, knowing Stamps, he might've even left his phone in the freezer by accident.

I open up the cabinets and look for his phone. Cereal, plates, bowls, about five hundred mugs, but no phone. I open the freezer, and...yep, right on top of the ice. I grab it and turn it on. Luckily, it still works. Who knows how long he left it there? There's a missed call from Sqaishey and a missed call from me.

I open up his messages and the last person he texted was Sqaishey.

St-I can't sleep, so if you call, I'm recording Quest with Squid.
Sq-Okay! How long will you be recording?
St-About 20 min.
Sq-K, call me when you're done. I love you
St-I will. Love you too, Little Ducky

Is this snooping? I feel really guilty about reading his texts. Well, if it's for his safety...eww, no. In a friend way. I scroll down and about half an hour later Sqaishey texted him again.

Sq-Stamps? Are you done recording?
Sq-I'm getting really worried, please tell me you're okay.
Sq-I'm coming over

"Stamps? Are you okay?" Sqaishey calls from then other room. She walks into the kitchen and gives me a surprised look. "Hey, Ash. What are you doing with Stampy's phone?" she asks. "Nothing," I say, quickly placing it down on the counter. "I came looking for Stamps, since neither he or Squid is answering, and I found his phone in the freezer," I explain. "Oh, okay. Do you know where they are? And why was the door open? And did you know that the elevator wasn't working?" Sqaishey asks. "I don't know where they are, I think they might be in trouble," I answer. "And the door was open when I came, I guess I forgot to shut it," I tell her.

Wait a minute...the elevator. "Sqaishey! Did you have to take the stairs or was the elevator working?" I ask her. "I told you, I had to take the stairs. They didn't leave a notice or anything," she responds. That's where they are...and I don't think they're alone. "Sqaishey, come on!" I run over to her and grab her wrist as I run out the door. "Ash! What's going on? I'm scared," she whimpers. I stop and look over at her. Her eyes are wide in fright and her hand is shaking in my grip. "I'm sorry, but we've got to keep going. Squid and Stamps are trapped in the elevator and I have a strong feeling they aren't alone," I explain. She nods, her eyes still wide with terror, and we keep running.

I only hope we aren't too late.


When I finish the cereal, I wrap myself up in some blankets that the mystery person left under the silverware. I've gotta find out who this is, and I've gotta find Amy! Wait a minute...I know that hand writing. I pick the note back up and read it again. I know who that is... Sydney! My old girlfriend! She moved away to go to college, and the long distance was too much for us. We broke up on good terms and decided to stay friends. I haven't talked to her in years! Why didn't she tell me she moved back to England?

I stuff the note into my pocket and stand up. I can barely see the street in the dim light. What time is it, five a.m?! I slowly walk over to the street. Which way, north or south? South.

I stumble onto the street so my feet don't freeze off and start walking south. I'm pretty sure I'm going the right way, I remember going north when I was with Squid. he okay? Is he dead right now? Is Amy dead? Did our friends even bother to look for us? I just keep asking myself the same questions all the time. I need to answer them. Squid probably isn't dead, Amy probably isn't dead, our friends must've looked for us.

"Bye, Lee."

I trip on a rock and barely stop myself from falling flat on my face. Did I really just hear that? Am I going crazy? "Amy?" I call out. "I love you," they reply. I'm not crazy. That's Amy for sure. I look over to the side of the road, and standing there with a gun aimed at her head and a sad smile on her face, is Amy.

MWAHAHAHAHA I'm so evil! You'll have to wait until I write the next chapter to find out what happens next! Peace out!

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