Chapter 16

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When we got back to the barn three horses where tied to the tethering post. Next to the big bay stallion stood Toby. Confused, I trotted ahead to him.

"Hey." I said simply.

"Hi. You ready to go riding?" He asked, a brilliant smile lighting up his face.

That was today? I totally spaced! I couldn't believe it! My mom trotted up next.

"Jess, I have to go grocery shopping and-" she stopped, noticing Toby. "Who's this?" She asked polity.

"I'm Toby. Jessie and her friends invited me to go riding with them." He relied, shaking my moms hand.

"Nice to meet you Toby. I'm Amy, Jessie's mom." She smiled.

"Is this Whisper?" He asked me.

"Oh. No. This is my brother Gerret's horse. Her name is Moonstruck." I reply.

As if on que, Gerret walks out of the house.

"Hey Jess." He smiles, ruffling my hair. "I was wondering where Moon was."

I laugh as my older brother pulls me into a bear hug.

"I stole her. She looked bored." I giggle.

"I see that. But I'm going for a ride to see Charlie so I'm taking her back." He says, playfully.

Carlie was his girlfriend of 3 years. Her real name was Charlotte but everyone called her Charlie for short.

"Okay. Well tell her I said hi. And that we all need to go riding together, just like at the stables." I reply.

"Okay. I will." He said, slinging his saddle pad and saddle on her back. "See ya later Jessigator."

"After while Gerretdile." I called back.

We had come up with that when I was 3. From then on it was our thing. I turned back to Toby.

"I'll just go get Whisper and I'll be right back." I informed him.

"Okay." He smiles.

My feet carried me to Whisper's stall where I found Alli and Hailey. I decided to scare them a little.

I walked up behind them and shouted 'Boo'. They jumped three feet in the air, shreaking madly. I clutched my stomach, laughing like a mad man while they almost peed their pants.

"You should have seen your faces, priceless. So, you've met Whisper already." I giggle.

"Yeah. And that was so not funny." Alli said.

"Oh don't be such a party pooper." Hailey laughed. "You know it was funny."

"Yeah. A little." Alli agreed, smiling.

"Is everything okay? I heard screaming." Toby sauntered over to us.

"Yeah. We're fine." I laugh.

"She just scared us that's all. It was quite funny really." Alli says.

Grabbing Whisper's halter and lead, I take her to the outside tack up area. I tie her to the ring and go to the tack room to grab her bridle and saddle. I set her saddle on the rack outside and her bridle on the hook to go get her grooming kit and polos.

I curry her coat and use the stiff brush to get the dirt and hair off before using her soft brush to finish off. Then I set to work with the hoof pick, making sure her hooves are clear and clean.

Tossing her saddle pad on her back, I adjust it so its just right and carefully set her saddle on top. I'm careful to cinch her little by little because I don't want her to get cinchy with me. Before long, the saddle is secure and I'm slipping her bridle over her head. She takes the bit smoothly and I pull off her halter.

"Ready?" I ask, swinging into the saddle.

"Yeah. That was possibly the fastest tack up I've ever seen." Alli says, awestruck.

"I've learned to be fast so I can warm up and be in lessons a little bit earlier than everyone else to practice some of my jumping." I explain.

"Wow." Is all Hailey can say.

"Personally, that is the coolest thing I've ever heard." Toby comments.

I take the lead with Toby at my side and Alli and Haily behind us.

"So, you jump?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Clarity and I made an amazing team. No one else really knew how to handle her but she and I had gone through rough roads before we met. I had just lost my uncle who I was really close too and she was abused and left for the vultures. The two of us became pretty close and she was the one who made everything easier for me. When we moved I almost sunk back into my depression but then I met Whisper who has the same background as Clarity." I sigh.

"Wow. That seems hard. So did you do shows with Clarity?" He questions.

"Of course. We where on a recreational team but we did shows." I reply.

"That's amazing. I haven't done shows or anything but I have been learning to jump." Toby smiles.

"Hey, we're still here you know!" Alli says, laughing.

"Did you hear something, Toby?" I ask, just to be annoying.

"Nope. Not a thing." He replies, playing along.

Winking at him, I shoot off into a working canter and my laugh rings out around us. I hear Toby come up beside me and urge Whisper faster. No way is he gonna win this. Not in a million years.

Hey guys. Sorry I've taken so long to update. I've been really busy with school and my grades aren't doing to well and I got really sick for a while. On top of it all, I've had writers block. I am so so so so so so so sorry for the long wait. Pic of Toby and his horse on side.

~Kassie <3

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