Chapter 24

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After my ride I helped my mom with dinner. For dessert, we made chocolate pudding pie with a Oreo crust and Oreo crumb topping with gummy worms inside. Also known as mud pie.

After dinner I went up to my room and got ready for bed. Which is where I am now. Stairing at the ceiling, trying to fight off a fit of insomnia. My stomach turns over and cramps up, repeating these actions in a never ending pattern.

I click my phone and see that it is almost three in the morning. I get up and go to the bathroom and then it hits me. Opening the cupboard under the sink, I get what I need and sigh. I seriously hate mother nature. My phone goes off on the counter and I look at it when I'm done and wash my hands. It was a text from Toby.

T: *Hey. You up?*

J: *Yeah. Can't sleep.*

T: *You feeling okay?*

J: * No. Not really.*

T: *Are you sick?*

J: *Something like that.*

T: *I'm sorry, Jess. Feel better and get some sleep, Okay?*

J: *Okay. Night.*

T: *Night.*

I click off my phone and climb back into bed. My remote lays close by and I decide to watch a movie. Eventually, I drift off to sleep.

Sorry its so short. I think I'm going to put all of my books on hold for a while. I only have 2 and a half weeks of school so it won't be long before summer. I love you all.


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