Chapter 18

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"Mom, I have to go! Hailey and Allison are waiting! See you later." I call.

"Wait!" She chirps. "Here's some money in case you find a dress."

"Thank you. I really have to go though." I pipe. "Bye!"

I rush out to my car and start to drive to the mall. The girls have been texting me pictures of dresses non stop all morning asking my opinion so I eventually just told them I'd be there in a few minutes.

I pull into the parking lot and look for Deb dress store.  As soon as I get inside, I go strait to the back.

"Alright ladies. Try on those dresses you sent because I have to see them in person to have an opinion." I state, ploping into a chair.

"Oh my god. Finally!" Hailey squeals, grabbing a light pink strapless dress.

Alli follows suit with a purple and white dress in hand. When they are both in the dresses they glide out of the dressing rooms and out to meet me. The light pink strapless dress was okay but it looked like something you'd wear to a wedding, not a dance.

"Hail, you might want to try a different dress. That's not really your color." I say politely.

She nods and grabs a white and light blue dress. I look over Alli and nearly fall out of my chair. She's stunning. The dress falls to her ankles and flows out beautifully.

"That's the one." I excitedly state.

"I agree." She smiles.

She walked back to the dressing room to change into her clothes when Haily came walking out.

I shook my head. "Almost. Not quite. To similar to Alli's dress." I say.

"I just can't find one I really really like. You know?" She says, sighing.

"Go change into your clothes. I'll help you look for one." I chirp hopefully.

"Okay," she musically chimes.

Giggling, I stand up and wait for her. As soon as she comes out, she and I make our way to the racks of dresses to find the perfect one.

"How about this one?" I call, holding up a black knee length dress with dark blue sparkles.

"No. Too dark and sparkly." She replies.

Okay. No sparkles and not too dark. Got it.

I keep walking down the line when I suddenly bump into someone. I blush profusely and look at the ground, mumbling a quick 'sorry' to whomever it was.

"It's okay Jess." They call.

I turn on my heel and see Toby with a girl that looks a grade younger than us. They strongly resemble each other and I immediately assume that its his sister.

"Oh. Hey." I say meekly. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking my sister dress shopping. This is Amber. Amber, this is my friend Jessie." He introduces.

I wave and offer a small smile and get the same in return.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Helping Hailey find a dress, and then looking for one of my own." I reply.

"Nice. Well we have to go. See you later." He smiles.

"Bye." Is all I can manage before turning around.

Hailey has a smirk plastered on her freckled face.

"What?" I ask, playing dumb.

"Nothing. Just watching the flirting." She sings.

"Whatever. What have you got there?" I ask.

She holds up a teal knee length dress with no straps and sparkles up by the top. It was gorgeous.

"I thought you didn't like sparkles?" I challenge.

"Shut up. I fell in love with the color. Now let's go try it on." She laughs.

As we pass a rack of dresses, I see a white and blue dress and immediately grab it. I have to try it on.

We race to the dressing room that was hers and cram inside. We pull on the dresses over our shorts and zip them up. As we come out of the dressing room, Alli looks up and smiles.

"They are definitely   perfect." She chimes.

"Thank you." I sing back.

Hailey and I take off the dresses and slip out in our shorts and tank tops. My flip flops clap on the ground as I walk to find some white flats.

When all of us had our outfits, we went and bought them before walking to the food court to eat.

"This was so fun." I say, shuffling to my car.

"Definitely have to go on a shopping spree together." Hailey smiles.

"That's for sure." Alli agrees.

"Bye guys." I call, climbing into my car.

"Bye!" They shout.

With that I head home to go put my dress in the closet with my shoes.

Hey guys. Sorry for the wait. I hope you liked the chapter. Pic of the dresses on the side! :)


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