Chapter 35

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A quick note before we begin, this book will be winding down very very soon. However, I think I may make it a trilogy and then possibly make a spin off at the end of the series. So, please do not freak out when the book ends. Another thing I want to adress quickly is that I will be finishing some other books before I publish book two of this series. Thank you.

Jessie's POV

Once inside, I walk up to my room and sit down on my window seat. The events of today run through my head as I look out the window at our beautiful pastures and our few horses that we own. I hear a loud whistle and Whisper ambles to the gate. A strange man walks up to her. Worried, I leap up and rush down the stairs, my hair flying out behind me.

"What's wrong, honey?" My mom asks.

I fly out the door without an answer to my mother and jog as fast as I can over to the man.

"Can I help you?" I ask, huffing for air.

"Uhm, yeah actually. I was wondering who owns this horse?" He replies, his voice sad.

"Her name is Whisper, and I am her owner. Who are you may I ask?"

"I'm sorry, I'm Aaron. Aaron McCall."

My heart begins to race, my palms begin to sweat, and I gasp. Its him. Mr. Horsebeater.

"Uhm.. I'm Jessica." I reply, speechless.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry to show up randomly. I just wanted to see her... I will never forgive myself for what I did to her..." He hangs his head.

"I will say, what you did wasn't right. You know that. But despite what you did, she still came to you, right?" I comfort.


"She forgave you for everything. She could've stayed terrified of you and never wanted to be around people again, but she forgave you for what you did. Just as I have forgiven, and even thanked you. Because without you, I never would've met her and gotten the amazing opportunity to own, love and care for her."

He looks at me, a single tear sliding down his face.

"I don't know how a teenager could be so wise, but thank you. It means a lot to hear that. Would you mind if I came to see her every once in a while?"

"Of course. Here," I hand him my phone number. "Just text me to let me know when you're going to stop by."

"Okay. See you around." He says.

"Yeah. See you around."

With that, I head back up to my room and work on some homework assignments to pass the time. Before I know it, it's 9:45 and I'm in bed.

Okay. So I know that was really short but at least it was something. School started for me last week and I've been SUPER busy. So, I'm sorry for the short chapter but that all that I had time for.

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