Christmas Special!

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Hey everyone! Merry Christmas! I have decided that this is my Christmas gift to all of you who love Toby and Jess as much as I do! So, without further adieu, Here is you Christmas special!

Jessie's POV

The snow fell at an alarming rate and I leaned further into Toby's side to keep warm. It was insane how fast the land around us was being covered by a thick white blanket of snow and I sighed.

"So much for a trail today." I grumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"There is no way we can ride in this. The horses could slip."

"Not if we just go to the lake, well pond. It's flat the entire way."

I hadn't thought about that. He was genius.

"Sure. Let me tell my mom so when my dad gets home he doesn't have a conniption fit." I laugh.

My mother was in the kitchen baking so many treats that all of us would be sick of sugar by the time Christmas was over.

"Mom,Toby and I are going to go to the pond for a short hack. That's okay, right?"

My mom turned to face me, her entire front half of her body covered in flower and mix of the treats she had made. Her brown eyes were clouded with stress as she looked at me tiredly.

"Yes. But hurry. Be back in time for Christmas eve dinner!" She called as I walked away.

"We will, don't worry!"

Toby and I walked to the barn and I slipped on my boots and half chaps. I grabbed my green snowflake print saddle pad, English saddle, and girth and made my way to Whisper's stall. The beautiful mare nickered when she saw me and I giggled, kissing my clean horse on the muzzle. Setting my tack on the stalk door, I grabbed a curry and a soft brush and quickly groomed her.

Finally, pit her saddle and saddle pad on. I slipped her blue snowflake holiday halter off and grabbed her bridle from the hook outside of her stall before putting that on as well. Whisper nudged me and Toby stood in the isle of the barn with Jazz tacked up in his red saddle pad, western saddle, and red bridle.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep. Whisper is dying to leave so let's go."

I walked out of the barn with my white beanie on and we mounted from the ground before heading out on the trail. My cheeks and nose were already red and my white winter jacket was keeping my body warm. My hair was in loose curls down my back today under my hat as I had curled my hair that morning.

My black breeches were covering two layers of leggings to keep my lower body warm and I had on some black gloves to keep my hands warm. The snow was relentless. The cold white flakes poured down in a frenzy.

"This is a wonderful Christmas isn't it?" Toby says.

"It's beautiful."

Toby's POV

Snowflakes landed in her hair and eyelashes and it looked beautiful with her rosy cheeks and nose. Her smile was bright and happy and I couldn't ask for anything better than this moment. This Christmas was going to be great and I was excited to spend it with her. Her squeak of surprise pulled me out of my thoughts as a tree let a large amount of snow fall onto her head.

I laughed at her surprise and one glare later, I was in a fast canter, running from my "angry" girlfriend. She laughed as she chased me and I laughed with her.

Soon enough we slowed down and I looked at her.

"I love you, Jess."

"And I you, Toby."

Merry Christmas guys! I was inspired to write about snow because it was snowing at my house but it is now melting due to the rising temperature. :( but oh well. I hope you all enjoyed this and I will try to write a new year's special as well but no promises. :) I love you all!

Merry Christmas,

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