Chapter 9

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"Fancy seeing you here." I state.

He jumps and the relaxes as he recognizes me.

"Hello again. Who's this?" he asks me, gesturing to Alli.

"Thats Allison. Haily and I's friend." I say slowly.

"Hi. I'm Toby. Its nice to meet you." he says, still staring at her.

"Hi." she squeaks.

Jealousy courses through me as a blush creeps up her cheeks. I brush it off when he turns and looks into my eyes. He didn't smile at her. He's smiling at me. I smile back and the teacher walks in.

"Hello class, I'm Mr...." I drown out the teacher and focus on doodling a horse on my notebook. The picture is of Whisper. Her forelock is covering one of her eyes and her head is turned to look around her side. God I love that horse.

"Miss Thompson, please pay attention." the teacher sternly said.

"Sorry." I mumble quietly.

He continued with his intros and things but all I could think about was the ride wish Toby on Saturday.

Hey. I'm so sorry. I have been so busy. I am finally almost done with Love, War, and Horses so updates should become more frequent. love you all.


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