Chapter 28

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Whisper fidgeted in her stall, shoving me out of the way while I groomed her. Footsteps sound in the barn, soft and quiet. A girl that looks vaguely familiar walked slowly throughout the barn and I duck down in Whispers turn out, behind the barn wall. She stops when she gets to Whisp's stall and opens the door, not noticing me. The girl sighs and looks at Whisper, not daring to touch her.

"Hey girl. I know your owner will get pissed if she knew I was anywhere near you, but I had to see you. You're lucky to have someone who cares about you that much you know... I wish I had someone who cared for me that much." She mumbles.

I slip out of the turn out through the bars and walk to the tack room, grabbing her saddle, saddle pad, and bridle. I walk to Whisper's stall and the girl jumps, startled.

"I- I'm s-sorry. I j-just wanted-"

"Save it." I cut her off. "Follow me."

She nods, following me silently to the last stall on the left. Inside is Moonstruck.

"This is Moonstruck. She is a very reliable horse and I'm sure the two of you will get along great." I grumble, leaving her to socialize with Moon.

Whisper stood in her stall, patiently waiting to be tacked up. As soon as her saddle is secure on her back, I go back to the tack room and grab my helmet before bridling her.

I open her stall and lead her out of the barn to the mounting block. Toby trotted up the driveway just as I lined Whisper up with the block. I check her girth once more, then slip my left foot into the stirrup and settle into the saddle. I walk her around the arena for two laps before I check her girth a final time.

"Ready?" Toby calls over to me.

"I am now." I answer.

Whisper stops at the gate so I can lean down and open the gate. As soon as we are through, the gate swings shut. As soon as I'm over to Toby, he reaches for my hand, which I willingly give him to hold. Just as we are about to turn down the trail though, the girl from the barn shouts my way.


Pulling Whisper up, I yell back, "What is it now?"

"I just wanted to thank you, for pairing me with Moonstruck I mean." She replies.

"Don't mention it." I say, giving her a hint of a smile.

With that, I turn and ride down the trail with Toby at my side.

Hey guys, so I'm sorry for not updating but I was gone at church camp from the 20th to the 25th and I will be leaving on August 2nd for horse camp and will not be back until August 8th. I apologize for the inconvenience and will try to update but the chapters will be short. I love you all.


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