Chapter 27

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I stayed sick for a week. A week of homework, missed school work, sleeping, and fighting nausea. I had off and on conversations with Toby and the girls about what I had missed and Toby came to visit one more time to bring me my school/homework.

Now it was Monday and I had to go back to school. I pulled on a black pair of sweats and a neon blue pull over sweatshirt. Shortly after, I rush to brush my teeth and get out of the house. The air outside has turned crisp and cold with the coming autumn weather and I begin to shiver. I start the car and once inside, I turn on the heater full blast.

The drive to school is extremely short much to my displeasure and the bell rings just as I get out so I have to rush to get to class. Toby catches sight of me as soon as I step in the room and motions me over to the seat next to him. I offer him a small smile in return and slide into the chair. Mr. Elliot sauntered into the room and sat down at his desk.

"Okay class, please get out your books and open them up to page 73. Read sections 5-7 quietly please." He instructs.

"Feeling better?" Toby whispers.

"Just enough to be at school, sadly." I sigh.

For the rest of class I read and take notes with my ear buds in. Soft music flowed through my ear buds, into my ears, and calmed me, putting me into a trance like state. I almost don't notice the bell ringing and end up rushing to pack up. Toby and I say a quick 'see you later' and split up to go to our classes.

As I enter my English class, Ali rushes up to me and starts filling me in on what I missed, which wasn't much because we were reading 'A midsummer night's dream' which I had already read about a million times. The only important thing I missed was a quiz on chapters 1-3.

I sat lazily in my chair and took out my pencil to fill out the quiz, which I finish in a little less than ten minutes.

The rest of my day passes slowly and uneventfully, so when the bell rings at the end of the day, I'm more than ready to go home. So ready, I almost forgot I was supposed to meet Toby by my locker like always. However, when I get to my locker, Toby isn't there. My phone buzzes in my pocket seconds later, alerting me of a text from Toby.

T: Hey, I'm at your car. Where are you?

J: I'm at my locker, waiting for you. Lol. Be out in a sec.

With that, I shove my phone in my pocket and make my way to my car. Toby stands by the passenger side door patiently and smiles when he sees me. Giving him a small smile, I unlock the car and put my things in the back seat.

"Wanna go on a trail?" He asks, pulling me into a gentle hug.

"Sure but I have to take it easy for a while still." I mumble into his chest.

"Okay, see you at your house then, Jess." He leans in and kisses my forehead.

"See you there." I grin, getting in into my car.

I pull out of the parking lot and head for home, ready to relax.

Hey guys. Sorry for the late update but I've been at the barn a lot and don't have internet or cell service, or any time to write because I'm always busy at the barn. I'm also sorry for how short it it but I didn't want to make you wait any longer because I felt mean about it. Also. I will be leaving for camp on the 20th and be gone until the 24th. I'm hoping to get an update in before I leave but I have some credit retrieval to do this month for geometry class so I will be busy with that as well. So please be patient with me as I am very busy this summer. For a while I thought about just deleting the books that are in progress right now and quitting writing all together. So, I'm sorry for the long wait and the short chapter again but I felt you deserved something.

Love you all.


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