Chapter 2

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I unloaded the boxes and put them in my room. Chevy and Splash bolted to a large building that could only be described as a stable! A huge grin blew up on my face and I ran inside it. I explored the stable but all of the stalls where shut. Each stall had a top door and a bottom door. I opened up the top door to the first stall. Empty. There was around a hundred stalls. I just moved onto a ranch!

Each stall had a name plate. I read each one as I passed. Smoky, Starshine, Skills, and Splash. "Hey Splash! seems we named you after a horse!" my dog sniffed at a stall and began barking. Under each name plate was a laminated paper that said each horses show name and a picture of each horse. Ain't it Smoky?, Look at this Starshine, See my Skills, and Makin' a Splash.

Smoky was a dark grey Dutch Warmblood stallion, Starshine was a Flea Bitten Grey mare, Skills was a black thoroughbred, and Splash was a black spotted Leopard Appaloosa.

I finally got irritated with Splash and her infernal barking and walked to the stall. Splash kept barking so I opened up the top door and an adorable white horse poked his head out of the stall. I watched as it walked to me and stopped, nuzzling my hand for treats. It  looked at me with its blue eyes. I read the name plate, Snowfall.

"Hey Snowfall." Snowfall's ears perked at the sound of the name. I looked at the chart. He was a gelding and his full name was 'Snowfall on Christmas'. He was an American Quarter horse and was a pleasure horse. He was a white horse with grey dapples. I walked to the feed bins and found some okay hay and gave it to him. He nickered happily but his ribs where poking through his sides. I found the phone number to his previous owner.

It rang twice before a woman picked up. "Hello?"

"Umm... Hi. I'm Jessie and I just moved into your old house in Dust County Wyoming on Spring street. I found an American Quarter horse, Snowfall? was he yours?"

"Snowfall? Oh my god! We thought we lost him! Can we come pick him up?"

"Yeah of corse! See you in an hour or two?"

"How's 20 minutes? we dont live far from here."

"Perfect. Umm... I never did get your name."

"Vanessa. Snowy is my daughters horse. Her name is Chelsea."

"Cool. see you in 20." I smile though Vanessa can't see me.

"Okay bye"

We hang up and I slip on the little pink halter that was hanging outside his stall. Soon I heard tires on the gravel outside.

I walked out with Snowfall and a little girl jumped out. "Snowy!" she jogged over to the horse and I helped as she  climbed onto his back. I tied the lead rope into the halter and she trotted over to her mom.

"Thank you! I'm Chelsea and I'm six" she proudly states.

"Your welcome. I'm Jessica but everyone calls me Jessie. I'm 16." I smile at the adorable little girl.

"Do you have a horse?"

"Not yet but I'm going to an auction to pick one out. I also have some more things for you." I walk to Chelsea and give her the name plates from each stall along with the laminated pictures.

"Thanks!" she smiles and hands them to her mom. She slid off of Snowfall and ran to hug me.

I hugged her back while her mom loaded Snowfall into the trailer. I hated to see him go, but I would be devastated if I had lost my best friend.

"Thank you for returning my best friend." Chelsea smiled up at me and climbed into the truck. Her mother thanked me again and they drove away... with Snowfall. I heard him whinny and neigh as they drove down the long drive. When Snowfall's neighing faded into the distance, I walked back into the empty barn.

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