Chapter 23

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As soon as I drop Hailey off and get home myself, I slip off my jeans and put on my grey doctor who sweat pants with the word, T.A.R.D.I.S. down the right pant leg. Next I slip on my matching Doctor Who sweater with a picture of the T.A.R.D.I.S. on the front. Pulling my hair into a pony tail, I start to look for my tan breeches and my blue polo shirt.

So I'm a bit of a Whovian. Is that so wrong?

I switch on my phone and smile as a collage of pictures of Whisper, Bullet, Toby, and I fill the screen. I shoot a text to Alli asking when she is supposed to come over.

I get a reply soon after telling me she'll be here in an hour.

Enough time to watch an episode of Doctor Who. I think to myself.

I quickly rush to turn on Netflix. I have started all over again for the fourth time now. I click on episode 8 of season 1. Father's day. I loved this show. My phone dings and a text from Toby lights the screen.

T: *hey beautiful. :)*

J: *Hello. :)*

T: *What you doin?*

J: *Nerding out. You?*

T: *Trying to hold down some crackers. :(*

J: *I'm sorry handsome.*

T: *What are you nerding out too? :)*

J: *Doctor Who. Duh. ;)*

T: *That's adorable. Your my little whovian. ;)*

J: *Once a whovian always a whovian!*

T: *Picture?*

Quickly I snap a picture of myself, sweats and all and hit send.

T: *Of course you would have Doctor Who clothes. :)*

J: *Yes. I happen to love these sweats and I never want to get rid of them.*

T: *Uh oh. I have to go. Talk to you in a sec. Bye. :(*

I click my phone locked and glue my eyes to the T.V.

The episode ends quicker then I'd like it to, but I get up and put on my breeches. The next stop is the barn.

Time to go riding. I think to myself with a grin.

Heyo! I know this is a fairly short chapter but I thought I needed to update and show you Jessie's nerdy side. She is based off of myself as I am an avid Whovian. XD

AnyWHO I have to go. :)
(Pun intended )

Love you all!


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