Chapter 15

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I am 100% sure that I will regret my decision profusely in the days to come. But as of right now, I couldn't care less because Drake is kissing me back, and though this situation is very very wrong and most likely illegal its numbing out the thoughts of the creepy man for now. I'm figuring that if I can create a problem of smaller proportions in comparison of my stalker, that I will take attention away from it, and make it seem less of a problem. Quickly I realize how stupid I am. I quickly pull away and mutter a quick "sorry" before dashing away into my marvellous room. I was wrong I regretted it almost immediately after. I need a distraction. Magically my best friend Jane texts me and asks me to go to a party in the next town over. Perfect. I highly aware that this probably isn't a good idea with a stalker/ possible murderer but I don't think he'll attack me at a party full of horny and drunk kids. I decide to go. Now what to wear?? I think I'll go with a classier look tonight. Digging through my closet I find the perfect outfit. A red velvet dress pairs with some flat Oxford style shoes. Lord knows heels are the worst thing ever. After a few altercations to my outfit ( hair,jewlery,makeup etc...) I think I'm finally ready. The party started around 8:30 and its 9:00 now so it should be in full swing. Being one of the first ones to a party is the worst. I quietly sneak downstairs. To my relief drake is gone. I continue to sneak into the garage where my matte black jeep awaits to be driven. It was a present from Kanye. He said I needed a car but in all honesty I think he got it because he felt bad for not being a dad to me. I'm happy with it none the less.

The drive to the party takes only about 10 minutes. When I pull up I immediately see kids puking in the front yard. I'm taking this as a sign that's its a rager, and even though it's probably a horrible idea, I'm going to get drunk tonight.

The moment I walk in I'm immediately pulled towards the drinks by the one and only intoxicated Jane. "Drink up bitch!" She yells handing me a red cup. After hamding me the red cup she continues. " Ok so I know that with this creepy stalker guy you probably shouldn't be at a party so us girls are keeping an eye on you. Let us know where your going if you decide to leave to somewhere else ok??" I simply nod my head in response because the music is deafining. As Jane continues to drone on about typical high school drama ( who slept with who, who's rumoured to be pregnant. You know the usual.) I notice a incredibly hot boy watching me. "Jane" I interrupt her "I'm going to go talk to that boy over there ok?". Jane nods her head and I'm off. Now obviously I can't go up and talk to him directly, so instead I opt to walk over near him to the drink table. I quickly glance at him to see he's still looking at me. I grab a beer and stand at the table pretending to be observing the atmosphere around me. Out of the corner of my eye I see him walk up to me. "Hello" he says in a deep voice, and as badly as I want to look at him that second I reply " hey" calmly before moving my head to look at him slowly ( my oh my this boy is gorgeous). conversation between us begins and next thin I know I'm against a wall and he's kissing me. " let's go upstairs, yeah? " He says. I simply nod in response. Francisco ( that's his name) grabs my hand and begins to lead me to the stairs on our way I see Jane and pinch her arm. She turns to look at me and I motion towards the stairs. All she does is wink in reply. I'm sure you can guess what happened from there

A/N: they played uno duh

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