chapter 14

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Shaken from that experience I hurry down stairs to tell my dad, but the only person I'm able to find is drake. " What's up momma" he asks, probably noticing the concern in my face. I straighten myself up and rid myself of emotion, or at least try to. I'm not going to deny the fact that drake is hot and I'm attracted to him. I decide I don't want to worry drake "nothing. What are you doing?" I reply, hoping to change the topic. Luckily it works. drake licks his lips and tells me he's writing a song. "What's the song called?" I ask curiously. " Well actually I, trying to get Jay Z on the song to. Kanyes been help into produce it. I think it's going to be called 'Pound cake ' " Drake says confidently. "Sounds.....delicious" ok well I know that response was lame but I'm sorta distracted by drakes beauty at the moment. I make a decision, that will probably be the stupidest decision of my life. None the less.

I kiss drake.

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